#!/bin/bash # Set default options to be overriden by command line arguments. w=400 h=325 rate=50 TEMPDIR= unset remove_tempdir interlaced= while getopts ":w:h:t:r:i" opt; do case $opt in w) w=$OPTARG ;; h) h=$OPTARG ;; t) TEMPDIR=$OPTARG ;; r) rate=$OPTARG ;; i) interlaced=TRUE ;; \?) echo -n"\ Error: Invalid option -$OPTARG Usage: test_pattern.bash [options] -w width The width in pixels. -h height The height in pixels. -t tempdir Temporary directory for intermediate files. If no directory is specified, one is created and deleted at the end of processing. -r framerate -i Generate an interlaced test pattern " exit 1 esac done # Calculate some dimensions based on the requested size. barw=$((w/32)) barstep=$((w/90)) barstart=$((-barw/barstep-1)) frames=$((w/2)) unit=$((h*2/27)) gridlw=$((unit*3/43)) nvgrid=$(((h-gridlw)/unit)) nhgrid=$(((((w-gridlw)/unit)-1)/2*2+1)) gridstartx=$((w/2-(nhgrid*unit+gridlw)/2-1)) gridstarty=$((h/2-(nvgrid*unit+gridlw)/2-1)) echo nvgrid=$nvgrid echo nhgrid=$nhgrid echo gridstartx=$gridstartx echo gridstarty=$gridstarty echo parsed tempdir $TEMPDIR if [ -z "$TEMPDIR" ] ; then TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir=/tmp) remove_tempdir=1 else if [ ! -d "$TEMPDIR" ] ; then mkdir $TEMPDIR fi fi echo parsed tempdir $TEMPDIR $remove_tempdir unset checker checker=( -fill "rgb(192,192,192)" ) for ((g=-9;g<=7;g=g+2)) ; do checker=( "${checker[@]}" -draw "rectangle $((w/2+g*unit*7/10)),$((gridstarty+unit*3+gridlw)) $((w/2+(g+1)*unit*7/10)),$((gridstarty+unit*4+gridlw))" ) done checker=( "${checker[@]}" -fill black ) for ((g=-8;g<=8;g=g+2)) ; do checker=( "${checker[@]}" -draw "rectangle $((w/2+g*unit*7/10)),$((gridstarty+unit*3+gridlw)) $((w/2+(g+1)*unit*7/10)),$((gridstarty+unit*4+gridlw))" ) done unset stripe stripe=( -fill white ) for ((g=0;g<5;g++)) ; do startx=$((w/2+(3-g*2)*unit)) endx=$((startx+2*unit)) for ((x=startx;x