[MSM]: Here's an old e-mail. I'm not sure if it's in the list archives so I figured I'd save it here. It may be useful for those using RH71. Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 16:03:20 +0800 From: Leonard Ye Reply-To: linux-wlan-user@absoval.com To: linux-wlan-user@absoval.com Subject: [lwlan-user]: REDHAT 7.1 + wlan-ng 0.1.18 HOWTO Hi all, Just get the wlan-ng 0.1.18pre11 working on my redhat 7.1 and I would like to share the experiences with you. Assumption: a default installation of redhat 7.1 with kernel-pcmcia-cs-3.1.24-2.rpm installed Four steps as followings: 1) Get kernel source ready install kernel-source-2.4.2-2 if you don't have the kernel source ready on the machine copy a suitable configuration file from the configs directory to .config make dep 2) Get pcmcia-cs header files ready download the pcmcia-cs-3.1.24.tar.gz package unzip it at appropriate place make config when you were asked what kind of kernel configuration you want to use, select "1" make all DON'T "make install" 3) compile the wlan-ng-0.1.18pre11 code download the linux-wlan-ng-0.1.18pre11.tar.gz unzip it at appropriate place make config select build-in kernel support make all make install 4) some minor configuration edit /etc/pcmcia/config.opts to comment out the card definition for "Intersil PRISM2 11 .." edit /etc/wlan-ng.opts change string p2RoamingMode to p2CnfRoamingMode set appropriate SSID for variable DesiredSSID create an ifcfg-wlan0 file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts Ok, your machine should be able to work as a STA using wlan-ng-0.1.18pre11. If you have experience with enabling AP mode, it shouldn't be a problem for you enable it in redhat 7.1 Regards, Leonard Ye