#!/bin/bash #. /etc/systemconfig #echo $@ > /tmp/parms #start Slavebackend: fusion COMMAND=$1 BETYPE=$2 eval LAST=\$$# dbhost=`echo $LAST` MESSAGE="" case $COMMAND in stop) MESSAGE=`/usr/bin/curl http://$dbhost:1337/bestop.cgi 2>/dev/null` rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ] then lh_message.sh "Could not stop the backend." fi ;; start ) MESSAGE=`/usr/bin/curl http://$dbhost:1337/bestart.cgi 2>/dev/null` rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ] then lh_message.sh "Could not start the backend" fi ;; restart) /usr/MythVantage/bin/backend_control.sh stop $dbhost sleep 2 /usr/MythVantage/bin/backend_control.sh start $dbhost ;; clearcache) MESSAGE2=`/usr/bin/curl http://$dbhost:1337/beclear.cgi 2>/dev/null` rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ] then lh_message.sh "Could not clear the cache" fi esac