# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging, os, re import mv_common import glob #client side def setup_nfs_client(systemconfig): nfslist=[] logging.info("____Start of setup_nfs__client____") scrubnfs(systemconfig.get("TEMPLATES")) if systemconfig.get("HaveCentralNFS") == "yes": logging.debug(" Using a Central NFS server") if systemconfig.get("NFSserver") == "file:nfsmap": #if it's a file check for it, failure results in downloading attempt from MBE nfsmap_file=data_config.MYTHHOME+"/templates/nfsmap" if not os.path.exists(nfsmap_file): logging.debug(" Couldn't find local %s",nfsmap_file) logging.info(" Trying to download nfsmap from MBE") nfsmap_file = download_nfsmap(systemconfig.get("dbhost")) nfslist = process_nfsmap_file(nfsmap_file) # if it's an ip parse ip and download file elif re.search(systemconfig.get("NFSserver"),":nfsmap"): ip=systemconfig.get("NFSserver").split(":")[0] nfsmap_file = download_nfsmap(ip) nfslist = process_nfsmap_file(nfsmap_file) #else treat it as a single mount point else: item = (systemconfig.get("NFSserver") , systemconfig["NFSmount"]) nfslist.append(item) else: #if standalone or slave try to use MBE if systemconfig.get("SystemType") == "Frontend_only" or systemconfig["SystemType"] == "Slave_Backend": item = (systemconfig.get("dbhost")+":"+ data_config.DATAMOUNT, data_config.DATAMOUNT) nfslist.append(item) setup_nfs_fstab(nfslist) logging.info("__End of nfs\n") def process_nfsmap_file(mapfile): logging.debug(" processing nfsmap file %s",mapfile) nfslist = [] try: f = open(mapfile,"r") for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith("#"): continue item = line.split() if len(item) <= 1 : continue logging.debug(" %s",item) nfslist.append(item) except : logging.critical("Couldn't read file %s, or some other error",mapfile) return nfslist def scrubnfs(templates): logging.info(" Scrubbing nfs") mv_common.cp_and_log("/etc/fstab",templates+"/fstab.conf.template") #used this sed cmd because it's clean and took me forever to figure out =) cmd='''sed '/^#STARTSCRUB.*$/,/^#ENDSCRUB.*$/d' %s/fstab.conf.template > /etc/fstab''' %templates mv_common.runcmd(cmd) def download_nfsmap(ip): nfsmap_file="/tmp/nfsmap" myurl="http://%s:1337/templates/nfsmap" %ip req = Request(myurl) try: f = urlopen(req) logging.info(" downloading %s", myurl) local_file = open(nfsmap_file, "w") #Write to our local file local_file.write(f.read()) local_file.close() #handle errors except HTTPError, e: logging.info(" File download failed") logging.debug(" %s", myurl) logging.debug(" HTTP Error: %s", e.code) except URLError, e: logging.info(" File download failed") logging.debug(" %s",myurl) logging.debug(" URL Error: %s ", e.reason) return nfsmap_file def setup_nfs_fstab(nfslist): logging.info(" Adding nfs paths to fstab") try: f = open('/etc/fstab', 'a') line = "#STARTSCRUB --------------anything in this block will be scrubbed\n" f.write(line) for s, m in nfslist: line = "%s %s nfs \n" %(s,m) logging.debug(" %s",line) f.write(line) line = "#ENDSCRUB\n" f.write(line) f.close() except: logging.critical(" *Couldn't open /etc/fstab for writing") logging.debug(" Done adding nfs paths to fstab") #server side def setup_samba(systemconfig,data_config): mythhome = data_config.MYTHHOME excludes = data_config.share_exclude_dir if systemconfig.get("UseSamba") == "1": logging.info(" Activating windows file sharing") usersamba=mythhome+"/templates/smb.conf" mv_common.pacinstall("samba") if not os.path.exists("/etc/samba"): logging.debug(" Creating directory /etc/samba") try: os.makedirs("/etc/samba") except: pass if os.path.exists(usersamba): logging.debug(" Using user provided config file %s",usersamba) cmd = "install -D -m755 %s /etc/samba/smb.conf" %usersamba mv_common.runcmd(cmd) else: Samba_media = systemconfig.get("Samba_media") Samba_home = systemconfig.get("Samba_home") if systemconfig.get("Samba_mediareadonly") == "0": smreadonly = "yes" else: smreadonly = "no" if systemconfig.get("Samba_homereadonly") == "0": shreadonly = "yes" else: shreadonly = "no" domain = systemconfig.get("Samba_domain") servername = systemconfig.get("hostname") try: f = open(systemconfig.get("TEMPLATES")+"/samba/smb.conf.template",'r') t_smbconf = f.readlines() f.close() except: logging.info(" Couldn't open samba template file") return try: f = open("/etc/samba/smb.conf",'w') except: logging.info(" Couldn't open samba file") return for line in t_smbconf: outline = line if re.match("^.*workgroup", line): logging.debug(" Setting workgroup to %s",domain) outline="workgroup = %s\n" %domain logging.debug(" %s",outline) if re.match("^.* server string",line): logging.debug(" Setting server name to %s",servername) outline="server string = %s\n" %servername logging.debug(" %s",outline) f.write(outline) outline="include = %s/templates/user.shares \n" %mythhome f.write(outline) if Samba_media == "1": outline="include = /etc/samba/smb.conf.media\n" f.write(outline) if Samba_home == "1": outline="include = /etc/samba/smb.conf.home\n" f.write(outline) f.close() logging.info(" Writing smb.conf.media") try: f = open("/etc/samba/smb.conf.media","w") except: logging.info("* Couldn't open smb.conf.media") return shares = scan_for_shares() medialines=''' [%s] path = %s public = yes only guest = yes writeable = %s printable = no force user = mythtv force group = mythtv create mask = 0755\n''' new_share=[] excludes for share in shares: share_name = share.split("/")[-1] share_path = share #new_share.append(medialines %(share_name,share_patch,smreadonly) f.write(medialines %(share_name,share_path,smreadonly) ) logging.debug(" %s",medialines %(share_name,share_path,smreadonly) ) excludeline = ' veto files = ' for exclude in excludes: excludeline+= ''' "/%s/" ''' %exclude if excludes != []: f.write( excludeline) logging.debug(excludeline) f.write("\n") f.close() logging.info(" Writing smb.conf.home") try: f = open("/etc/samba/smb.conf.home","w") except: logging.info(" Couldn't open smb.conf.home") return homelines=''' [home] path = %s public = yes only guest = yes writeable = %s printable = no force user = mythtv force group = mythtv create mask = 0755 ''' %(data_config.MYTHHOME,shreadonly) f.write(homelines) f.close() logging.debug(" %s",homelines) mv_common.add_service("nmbd") mv_common.add_service("smbd") mv_common.restart_service("nmbd") mv_common.restart_service("smbd") else: logging.info(" Removing windows file sharing") mv_common.remove_service("smbd") mv_common.remove_service("nmbd") mv_common.pacremove("samba") mv_common.pacinstall("smbclient") return def scan_for_shares(): import ConfigParser config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() file_list=glob.glob("/etc/storage.d/*.conf") share_list = [] for conf_file in file_list: try: logging.debug(" mv_advanced: reading in %s" %conf_file) config.read(conf_file) shareable = config.get('storage','shareable') if shareable == "True" : mp = config.get('storage','mountpoint') share_list.append(mp) if config.get('storage','mmount') == "True" : share_list.append("/myth") except: logging.debug(" mv_advanced: Couldn't open %s for reading" %conf_file) return share_list def setup_etc_exports(shares,data_config): #read in /etc/ exports conf_file="/etc/exports" excludes = data_config.share_exclude_dir new_exports=[] new_exports.append("#This file was generated by systemconfig.py -m advanced") new_exports.append("#Use exportfs -arv to reread. \n\n") for share in shares: share_line='''%s *(rw,all_squash,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000,no_subtree_check)''' %share new_exports.append(share_line) for exclude in excludes: share_line='''/%s *(noaccess)''' %exclude new_exports.append(share_line) try: logging.info(" writing /etc/exports") f=open(conf_file,'w') for line in new_exports: f.write(line) f.write("\n") logging.debug("%s" %line) f.close() except: logging.info("* error writing /etc/exports") def setup_NFSshares(UseNFS,templatefile,data_config): if UseNFS == "1": logging.info(" Activating NFS server") mv_common.pacinstall("nfs-utils") mv_common.pacinstall("rpcbind") shares = scan_for_shares() setup_etc_exports(shares,data_config) mv_common.add_service("nfsd") mv_common.add_service("nfs-common") mv_common.add_service("rpcbind") else: logging.info(" Removing NFS server") mv_common.remove_service("nfsd") return def setup_dyndns(DDnsEnable): if DDnsEnable == "1": logging.info(" Installing Dynamic DNS client") mv_common.pacinstall("inadyn") mv_common.add_service("inadyn") else: logging.info(" Removing Dynamic DNS client") mv_common.pacremove("inadyn") mv_common.remove_service("inadyn") def setup_fileshare(systemconfig,data_config): if mv_common.read_config(mv_common.module_config,"fileshare") == False : logging.info("____Skipping of fileshare, config disabled____") return logging.info("____Start of fileshare configuration____") #client setup_nfs_client(systemconfig) #server setup_NFSshares(systemconfig.get("UseNFS"), systemconfig.get("TEMPLATES")+"/exports.template",data_config) setup_samba(systemconfig,data_config) logging.info("__End of advanced configuration\n")