# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging, mv_common import os, re config_file = "mv_config" def windowmanager(systemconfig): logging.info("____Start of windowmanager setup____") try: windowmanager = systemconfig.get("windowmanager") except: windowmanager = "default" return if windowmanager == "" or windowmanager == None: windowmanager = "default" try: style = systemconfig.get("EnhancedWMStyle") except: style = "" if style == "1" and windowmanager != "default" : style = "enhanced" else: style = "" if windowmanager != "fluxbox": mv_common.pacinstall("e16_theme_settings") mv_common.pacinstall("wmaker_settings") else: mv_common.pacinstall("alt_wm") cmd = '''/usr/LH/bin/set_windowmanager.sh %s %s ''' %(windowmanager,style) print cmd mv_common.runcmd(cmd) logging.info("__End of windowmanager \n") def supplemental(systemconfig,this_is_install = False): logging.info("____Start of supplemental config ____") try: supplemental=systemconfig.get("supplemental") except: supplemental = "0" if supplemental == "1": logging.info(" Installing supplemental system\n") if this_is_install == True: if os.path.exists('/home/xymon/server'): cmd='''pacman --noconfirm --dbonly -Sdd --force xymonserver''' mv_common.runcmd(cmd) cmd='''/usr/LH/bin/install_supplemental_service.sh''' mv_common.runcmd(cmd) logging.info("__End of supplemental\n")