#!/usr/bin/python2 #Program used to auto_add new storage to mythtv storage groups #If it's a new disk it will erase the entire disk and reformat # #Drives that are mount, in fstab, size < 5000 bytes, optical or have already been seen will not be presented as an option. # import dbus import pickle import commands import sys,os import random, string from MythTV import MythDB, MythBE, Recorded, MythError from socket import timeout, gethostname pickle_file="/usr/LH/etc/storage.pkl" SG_MAP={ 'Default' :'tv', 'LiveTV' :'live_tv', 'Videos' :'video', 'Trailers' :'video/trailers', 'Coverart' :'video/converart', 'Fanart' :'video/fanart', 'Banners' :'video/banners', 'Screenshots':'video/screenshots', 'DB Backups' :'db_backups'} FS_LIST=[] for key in SG_MAP.keys(): FS_LIST.append(SG_MAP[key]) class disk_device: def __init__(self,device): device_obj = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.UDisks", device) device_props = dbus.Interface(device_obj, dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE) self.fs_map = self.get_fsmap() self.is_device = self.get_is_device(device_props) self.vendor = self.get_vendor(device_props) self.model = self.get_model(device_props) self.mount_path = self.get_mounts(device_props) self.is_mounted = self.get_is_mounted(device_props) self.parition_size = self.get_partition_size(device_props) self.device_size = self.get_device_size(device_props) self.serial_number = self.get_serial_number(device_props) self.read_only = self.get_is_readonly(device_props) self.is_optical = self.get_is_optical_disc(device_props) self.connection = self.get_connections(device_props) self.block_path = self.get_device_file(device_props) self.device_file_path = self.get_device_file_path(device_props) self.block_partition="%s1" %self.block_path self.in_use = self.get_in_use() def get_is_device(self,device_props): return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceIsDrive") def get_vendor(self,device_props): return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DriveVendor") def get_model(self,device_props): return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DriveModel") def get_mounts(self,device_props): return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceMountPaths") def get_is_mounted(self,device_props): return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceIsMounted") def get_in_use(self): in_use = False for i in self.fs_map: if i.startswith("["): split_line=i.split() device_path = split_line[5] if self.block_path in device_path: in_use = True break return in_use def get_partition_size(self,device_props): return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "PartitionSize") def get_device_size(self,device_props): return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceSize") def get_serial_number(self,device_props): serial_number = device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DriveSerial") random_string = os.urandom(5) if serial_number == '': serial_number = "".join( [random.choice(string.letters) for i in xrange(6)] ) serial_number = "NSW%s" %serial_number return serial_number def get_is_readonly(self,device_props): return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceIsReadOnly") def get_is_optical_disc(self,device_props): return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceIsOpticalDisc") def get_connections(self,device_props): return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DriveConnectionInterface") def get_device_file(self,device_props): return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceFile") def get_device_file_path(self,device_props): path = device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceFileByPath") try: path = path[0] except: path = "None" return path def partition_disk(self): print " Creating new partiton table" cmd = "parted -s -a optimal %s mklabel gpt" %self.block_path runcmd(cmd) cmd = "parted -s -a optimal %s mkpart primary \" 1 -1\"" %self.block_path runcmd(cmd) return def get_fsmap(self): cmd = "/sbin/fsck -N" fs_map = runcmd(cmd)[1] fs_map = fs_map.split("\n") return fs_map def find_fstype(self,moutpoint): fstype="ext3" mp=['/myth', '/data/media'] for i in self.fs_map: if i.startswith("["): split_line=i.split() #find mount_p and remove the last char mount_p = split_line[3][:-1] if mount_p in mp: fstype = split_line[4].split(".")[1] break return fstype def format_disk(self): fstab = self.read_fstab() #lookup format current_media_mount = self.find_options_type(fstab)[1] new_fstype = self.find_fstype(current_media_mount) #do format cmd = "mkfs -t %s %s " %(new_fstype,self.block_partition) print " Formating %s with %s" %(self.block_partition,new_fstype) runcmd(cmd) return def find_uuid(self,partition): #logging.info("Finding the UUID for %s...", partition) cmd = "blkid -s UUID %s" %partition tmpuuid = runcmd(cmd)[1] splituuid = tmpuuid.partition("=") uuid = splituuid[2].replace('"', "") # logging.info("The uuid is %s", uuid) if uuid == '': print "Could not find a UUID for device: %s" %partition sys.exit(1) return uuid.strip() def read_fstab(self): f = open('/etc/fstab', 'r') fstab=f.readlines() f.close() return fstab def find_options_type(self,fstab): mp=['/myth', '/data/media'] for i in fstab: split_line=i.split() try: if split_line[1] in mp: options = split_line[3] break else: options = "defaults" mount_point = i except: options = "defaults" return options,i def add_fstab(self): new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', 'auto', 'defaults', '0', '1'] fstab=self.read_fstab() #determine mount_path self.new_mount_point="/data/media/%s_%s" %(self.model.replace(' ',''),self.serial_number.replace(' ','')) #determine options new_options = self.find_options_type(fstab)[0] #find blkid self.block_partition="%s1" %self.block_path uuid=self.find_uuid(self.block_partition) #construct new line new_fstab_list[0]="UUID=%s" %uuid new_fstab_list[1]=self.new_mount_point new_fstab_list[3]=new_options new_fstab_line='\t'.join(new_fstab_list) new_fstab_line="%s\n" %new_fstab_line fstab.append(new_fstab_line) #add line to fstab f = open('/etc/fstab', 'w') #f = open('/tmp/fstab', 'w') for i in fstab: f.write(i) #f.write("\n") f.close() return def mount_disk(self): try: os.stat(self.new_mount_point) except: os.makedirs(self.new_mount_point) cmd = "mount %s" %self.new_mount_point runcmd(cmd) return def mkdirs(self,FS_LIST): print " Creating Directory stucture" for y in FS_LIST: new_dir="%s/%s" %(self.new_mount_point,y) try: os.stat(new_dir) except: os.makedirs(new_dir) cmd="chown -R mythtv:mythtv /%s" %self.new_mount_point runcmd(cmd) cmd="chmod -R 775 /%s" %self.new_mount_point runcmd(cmd) def add_sg(self,DB,host,SG_MAP): print " Adding to storage groups" for key in SG_MAP.iterkeys(): #print key," : ", SG_MAP[key] #try: gn=key hn=host dn="%s/%s" %(self.new_mount_point,SG_MAP[key]) #print dn #print gn #print hn with DB as c: try: c.execute("""insert into storagegroup (groupname,hostname,dirname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(gn,hn,dn)) print " Adding location: %s to storagegroup %s" %(dn,gn) except: print " Error inserting %s into storage groups" %dn return def runcmd(cmd): if True : pass else: cmd = "echo "+cmd #print cmd cmdout = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) #logging.debug(" %s", cmdout) return cmdout def scan_system(): ud_manager_obj = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.UDisks", "/org/freedesktop/UDisks") ud_manager = dbus.Interface(ud_manager_obj, 'org.freedesktop.UDisks') current_drive_list=[] for dev in ud_manager.EnumerateDevices(): drive = disk_device(dev) if drive.is_device and drive.device_size > 5000 and not drive.is_optical : current_drive_list.append(drive) return current_drive_list def read_known_list(): #reading pickle file known_drive_list=[] try: pkl_file = open(pickle_file, 'rb') known_drive_list = pickle.load(pkl_file) pkl_file.close() except: pass return known_drive_list def write_known_drive_list(known_drive_list): output = open(pickle_file, 'wb') pickle.dump(known_drive_list, output, -1) output.close() def search_for_match(system_drive,known_drive_list): match_drive=False for y in known_drive_list: if system_drive.serial_number.startswith("NSW"): #print "Match_test: hash" system_drive_hash = "%s_%s_%s" %(system_drive.model,system_drive.parition_size,system_drive.device_file_path) y_drive_hash = "%s_%s_%s" %(y.model,y.parition_size,y.device_file_path) if system_drive_hash == y_drive_hash : match_drive = True print "No serial number was found, matched using hash method: %s" %system_drive.model break elif y.serial_number == system_drive.serial_number: #print "Match_test: serial number" match_drive=True break return match_drive def prompt_to_add(current_drive): loop = True while loop: str1 = raw_input(" Adding the drive will remove all contents on the drive. \n\nDo you wish enable this drive for MythTV storage(Y/N)?:") if str1 in ['Y','N','y','n']: loop = False break print "\n" if str1 == 'Y' or str1 == 'y': rc = True else: rc = False return rc def remove_pickle(): try: print "Resetting list of known drives." os.remove(pickle_file) except: pass #-------------------------------------------- def main(scan_only): global bus bus = dbus.SystemBus() system_drive_list = scan_system() known_drive_list=[] known_drive_list = read_known_list() process_list=[] for i in system_drive_list: #print i.mount_path #print i.is_mounted #print i.in_use #print "--" if search_for_match(i,known_drive_list) or i.in_use : #print "Drive matched" #print i.model continue else: if not scan_only: print "\n" print "-------------------------------------------------------------" print "Found new hard drive: %s location: %s size: %s \n" %(i.model,i.block_path,i.device_size) if prompt_to_add(i) : print "\nDisk will be added to the storage pool!" process_list.append(i) else: process_list.append(i) if scan_only: if len(process_list) > 0: f = open('/tmp/scan_report', 'w') for i in process_list: f.write("drive: %s , location: %s ,size: %s \n" %(i.model,i.block_path,i.device_size)) print "drive: %s , location: %s ,size: %s \n" %(i.model,i.block_path,i.device_size) f.close() sys.exit(0) if len(process_list) > 0: DB = MythDB() host=gethostname() else: print "\nDid not find any new storage to add.\n" #BE = MythBE(db=DB) #save new list to disk_device write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list) for i in process_list: i.partition_disk() i.format_disk() i.add_fstab() i.mount_disk() i.mkdirs(FS_LIST) i.add_sg(DB,host,SG_MAP) if __name__ == "__main__": scan_only = False try: os.remove("/tmp/scan_report") except: pass if not os.geteuid()==0: sys.exit("\nRoot access is required to run this program\n") if "--new_init" in sys.argv : remove_pickle() if "--report" in sys.argv : scan_only = True main(scan_only)