
. /usr/LH/bin/backupcommon || {
    echo 1>&2 "Can not load common settings!"
    exit 1

do_file_updates() {  # A function because we need to do this in two places
    echo "Doing any needed file updates..."
    [ -n "$UPDATE_FILES" -a -f "$UPDATE_FILES" -a -x "$UPDATE_FILES" ] &&

do_db_updates() {
    # We need to redo this since we just restored the old settings...
    # This is gross, but makes sure that the lock count has a sane value...
    mysql_cmd "update settings set data = '1' where value = 'MythShutdownLock'"

    # Clean up ambiguous schema version settings...
    for val in $(mysql_cmd "select distinct value from settings where value like '%SchemaVer'") ; do
        # Find the numeric maximum version for this schema
        max_ver=$(mysql_cmd "select max(0 + ifnull(data, 0)) from settings where value = '$val'")
        # Wipe out all the existing ones
        mysql_cmd "delete from settings where value = '$val'"
        # Insert a nice clean unique one.
        mysql_cmd "insert into settings set value = '$val', data = '$max_ver'"

    # This table causes problems with mythweb on upgrades...
    mysql_cmd "update settings set data = '0' where value = 'WebDBSchemaVer'"
    mysql_cmd "drop table mythweb_sessions" >/dev/null 2>&1

# Let's prevent mythshutdown from shutting down the system.

# Play a sound to let you know I'm starting.
play_sound restore.wav

# Doing this while the backend is active could be BAD.

# If the standard backup file exists we try to restore the files based
# on our restore list.
if compression=$(compression_type "$BACKUP_TAR") ; then
    echo "Starting the restore of files..."
    cd /
    expand -c $BACKUP_TAR$compression |
        $TAR xpvf - $RESTORE_LIST $EXCLUSION 2>&1 |
        $SED -e '/Error exit delayed from previous errors/d'
    echo "Completed the restore of files."

# If the db backup file exists start the DB restore and upgrade
if compression=$(compression_type "$BACKUP_SQL") ; then
    echo "Starting the DB restore, this can take a while..."
    echo "Clearing out the existing skeleton..."
    #mysql_stdin < $DROP_SQL
    echo "Recreating the db..."
    $MYSQLADMIN -u root create $DATABASE
    echo "Restoring the data (long)..."
    expand -c $BACKUP_SQL$compression | mysql_stdin
    echo "Doing any needed db updates..."
    [ -n "$UPDATE_SQL" -a -f "$UPDATE_SQL" ] &&
        mysql_stdin < $UPDATE_SQL
    echo "Completed the DB restore."

echo "Sanity checking your restore..."
play_sound vr.wav
# Play a sound to let you know the outcome.
if check_files_and_tables $RESTORE_LIST ; then
    echo "Restore passes all checks."
    play_sound restored.wav
    echo "The restore failed or was already modified!"
    play_sound rf.wav

# Make any updates _after_ we verify the backup...

# Now it's more or less safe to restart the backend.

exit $STATUS