#! /usr/bin/python2 #Helper program that generates library.xml thats custom to linhes. #Contents are read from /etc/gen_lib_xml.d #This script should be run everytime an entry is added or removed import os, sys import glob class Gen_lib_xml: def __init__(self,snippit_dir,orig_theme_file): self.snippit_dir = snippit_dir self.orig_theme_file = orig_theme_file self.xml_snippets=[] self.orig_theme_xml=[] self.new_xml=[] def get_new_xml(self): return self.new_xml def get_orig_xml(self): return self.orig_theme_xml def get_snippits(self): return self.xml_snippets def read_snippets(self): xml_snippets="" try: os.chdir(self.snippit_dir) except: print " gen_lib_xml: Couldn't change dir to %s" %self.snippit_dir print " Exiting" sys.exit(0) file_list=glob.glob("*.conf") for conf_file in file_list: try: print " gen_lib_xml: reading in %s" %conf_file f=open(conf_file,'r') lines=f.readlines() f.close() except: print " gen_lib_xml: Couldn't open %s for reading" %conf_file print " Exiting" sys.exit(0) if len(file_list) == 0: print " gen_lib_xml: no conf files found" lines = [] self.xml_snippets = lines def read_orig_xml(self): try: print " gen_lib_xml: reading in %s" %self.orig_theme_file f=open(self.orig_theme_file,'r') lines=f.readlines() f.close() except: print " gen_lib_xml: Couldn't open %s for reading" %self.orig_theme_file print " Exiting" sys.exit(2) #print lines for i in lines: if i.strip() == "</mythmenu>": lines.remove(i) print " gen_lib_xml: Removing /mythmenu tag " break self.orig_theme_xml=lines def make_new_xml(self): self.new_xml = self.orig_theme_xml + self.xml_snippets self.new_xml.append("</mythmenu>\n") pass def write_xml(xml,filename): try: f=open(filename, 'w') except: print " gen_lib_xml: Couldn't open %s" %(filename) print " Exiting" sys.exit(2) print " gen_lib_xml: Writing %s" %(filename) for i in xml: f.write(i) f.close() def main(): sys.path.append('/usr/MythVantage/bin/') config_file = "mv_config" data_config = __import__(config_file, globals(), locals(), []) filename="%s/.mythtv/library.xml" %data_config.MYTHHOME #filename="/tmp/library.xml" orig_theme_file="/usr/share/mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/library.xml" lib_xml_dir="/etc/gen_lib_xml.d/" lib_xml = Gen_lib_xml(lib_xml_dir,orig_theme_file) lib_xml.read_snippets() lib_xml.read_orig_xml() lib_xml.make_new_xml() lib_xml.make_new_xml() new_xml = lib_xml.get_new_xml() #a = lib_xml.get_new_xml() #b = lib_xml.get_orig_xml() #c = lib_xml.get_snippits() write_xml(new_xml,filename) if __name__ == "__main__": main()