#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Parses the backend log file and includes information on which encoder was used to record shows. my ($time, $title, $subtitle, $chanid, $cardid, $sourceid); my $index = 0; sub print_text { print "$time - $title"; print ": $subtitle" if ($subtitle); print "\n"; print " - Encoder ID: $cardid\n"; print " - Video Source ID: $sourceid\n"; print " - Channel ID: $chanid\n"; } sub print_xml { print "$time - $title"; print ": $subtitle" if ($subtitle); print " - Encoder: $cardid
". "$title $time
"; print "$subtitle
" if ($subtitle); print "
Channel ID: $chanid
Encoder ID: $cardid
". "Video Source ID: $sourceid

"; # For XML parsers print "[]:[]capture_info$index\[]:[]time='$time':title='$title'". ":subtitle='$subtitle':chanid='$chanid':cardid='$cardid'". ":sourceid='$sourceid'\n"; } my $mode = shift; my $log_file = shift; if (($mode ne "--text") && ($mode ne "--noheader")) { $log_file = $mode; } if ($log_file =~ m/^--.*/i) { die ("Only one option can be used at a time.\n"); } if ($log_file =~ /\.gz$/) { # read top down # open($fh, "gunzip -c $log_file |") or die "Unable to open log file '$log_file', stopping:"; open($fh, "gunzip -c $log_file |tac |") or die "Unable to open log file '$log_file', stopping:"; } else { # read top down # open($fh, "<$log_file") or die "Unable to open log file '$log_file', stopping:"; open($fh, "tac $log_file |") or die "Unable to open log file '$log_file', stopping:"; } while (<$fh>) { # Myth .24 regex to find start of recording # if (/^(.*)(?:\d(?: I )?|I.* -) (?:Started|Tuning) recording: (.*): channel (\d+) on cardid (\d+), sourceid (\d+)/) # Myth .25 regex to find start of recording for digital and analog MPEG if (/^(\d+-\d+-\d+T\d+\:\d+\:\d+)(?:.*) (?:Started|Tuning) recording: (.*): channel (\d+) on cardid (\d+), sourceid (\d+)/ || /^(\d+-\d+-\d+T\d+\:\d+\:\d+)(?:.*) \(UpdateRecStatus\) Updating status for (.*)() on cardid (\d+) \(Will Record => Recording\)()/) { if ($mode eq "--noheader") { print "
" if (($index == 0) && ($mode ne "--text")); } else { print "

Encoder Information

" if (($index == 0) && ($mode ne "--text")); } $index++; ($time, $title, $chanid, $cardid, $sourceid) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); $time =~ s/T/ /; $time = `date -d $time +%a' '%m/%d' '%l:%M' '%p`; chomp ($time); if (($title =~ /"?(.+)"?:"?(.*)"?/) || ($title =~ /(.+) "(.*)"/)) { $title = $1; $subtitle = $2; } else { $subtitle = ''; } $title =~ s/^"//; $subtitle =~ s/^"//; $title =~ s/"$//; $subtitle =~ s/"$//; if ($mode eq "--text") { print_text; } else { print_xml; } } } print "
" if (($index > 0) && ($mode ne "--text")); close $fh;