#!/usr/bin/python2 import sys, subprocess import re import socket import os import datetime,time import shlex sys.dont_write_bytecode = True try: from MythTV import MythBE mythtv = MythBE() except: mythtv = None #print mythtv.db.getSetting( 'Theme', socket.gethostname()) def get_timestamp(): now = datetime.datetime.now() date = (now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')) return date def getFreePercentForDir(dir): stats = os.statvfs(dir) total = (stats.f_blocks) avail = (stats.f_bavail) return (total - avail) / float(total) def check_home(): #get the mythtv home dir sys.path.append('/usr/MythVantage/bin/') config_file = "mv_config" data_config = __import__(config_file, globals(), locals(), []) freePcent = getFreePercentForDir(data_config.MYTHHOME) print " Home directory percent used: " + str(freePcent * 100) + "%" if float(freePcent) > .9: print " Home directory is greater than 90% used. Clearing MythTV caches..." cmd = "/usr/bin/rm -rf " + data_config.MYTHHOME + "/.mythtv/{*cache,Cache-*}" subprocess.call(["sh", "-c", cmd]) print " Restarting mythfrontend..." subprocess.call(["killall", "mythfrontend"]) freePcent = getFreePercentForDir(data_config.MYTHHOME) print " Home directory percent used: " + str(freePcent * 100) + "%" else: print " Home directory is less than 90% used. Not clearing MythTV caches." return 0 def optimize(): try: cursor = mythtv.db.cursor() cursor.execute("SHOW tables") result = cursor.fetchall() except: print "\n%s Problem getting tables from the database" %(get_timestamp()) return 1 ops=["REPAIR","OPTIMIZE","ANALYZE"] for row in result: ctable=row[0] for op in ops: print " %s %s" %(op,ctable) cmd= "%s table %s" %(op,ctable) cursor.execute(cmd) return 0 def cleanup_inuseprograms(): fourHoursAgo=datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(hours=4) cmd="DELETE FROM inuseprograms WHERE lastupdatetime < '%s';" %fourHoursAgo try: cursor = mythtv.db.cursor() cursor.execute(cmd) except: print "\n%s Problem cleaning inuseprograms in database" %(get_timestamp()) def bail_if_another_is_running(): cmd = shlex.split("pgrep -u {} -f {}".format(os.getuid(), __file__)) pids = subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip().split('\n') if len(pids) > 1: pids.remove("{}".format(os.getpid())) print "Exiting! Found {} is already running (pids): {}".format( __file__, " ".join(pids)) raise SystemExit(1) def run_stuff(): print "\n%s" %get_timestamp() if not subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/python2", "/usr/LH/bin/idle.py"]): if ("--check_home" in sys.argv) or (len(sys.argv) == 1): print "\n#######################################" print "\n%s Checking size of MythTV home" %(get_timestamp()) if not check_home(): print "\nFinished checking size of MythTV home" else: return True if ("--optimize" in sys.argv) or (len(sys.argv) == 1): print "\n#######################################" print "\n%s Running Optimize" %(get_timestamp()) if not optimize(): print "\nFinished Optimize" else: return True if ("--backup" in sys.argv) or (len(sys.argv) == 1): print "\n#######################################" print "\n%s Running Backup" %(get_timestamp()) if not os.system('/usr/LH/bin/lh_system_backup_job'): print "\nFinished Backup" if ("--update" in sys.argv) or (len(sys.argv) == 1): print "\n#######################################" print "\n%s Running System Update" %(get_timestamp()) if not os.system('/usr/LH/bin/lh_system_host_update'): print "\nFinished Update" print "\n#######################################" continue_loop=False else: continue_loop=True return continue_loop #--------------------------------- bail_if_another_is_running() starttime=time.time() ctin=True while ctin: cleanup_inuseprograms() ctin=run_stuff() if ctin: print "\n%s Waiting 10 minutes before trying again." %(get_timestamp()) time.sleep(600) current_time=time.time() if (current_time - starttime) > 3000 : ctin = False print "\n%s Time Exceeded 50 minutes. Quitting.)" %(get_timestamp()) exit(1)