#!/usr/bin/python2 #This program is called on login to display the status of mythtv tuners & recording status #Also will display alerts generated by xymon. If the location of xymon changes, this script needs to be updated. from MythTV import MythBE,MythDB,MythLog import datetime,time,sys,subprocess,re from dateutil.parser import parse from dateutil import tz import os,glob from socket import gethostname; def formatTD(td): days = td.days hours = td.seconds // 3600 minutes = (td.seconds % 3600) // 60 seconds = td.seconds % 60 if days == 0: day_string = "" elif days > 1: day_string = "%s days, " %days else: day_string = "%s day, " %days if hours > 1: hour_string = "%s hours, " %hours else: hour_string = "%s hour, " %hours if minutes > 1: minute_string = "%s minutes, " %minutes else: minute_string = "%s minute, " %minutes if seconds > 1: second_string = "%s seconds" %seconds else: second_string = "%s second" %seconds return_string = '%s%s%s%s' % (day_string, hour_string, minute_string, second_string) return return_string def print_alerts(): dir_name = "/home/xymon/var/login_alerts" out_alert="" try: os.chdir(dir_name) except: pass #print " myth_status: Couldn't change dir to %s" %dir_name file_list=glob.glob("*") if len(file_list) == 0: #print " myth_status: no alert files found" pass else: for alert_file in file_list: out_line='' datahost = '' dataservice = '' datacolor = '' datadown = '' try: #print " myth_staus: reading in %s" %alert_file f=open(alert_file,'r') lines=f.readlines() f.close() except: #print " myth_status: Couldn't open %s for reading" %alert_file continue for line in lines: try: data,value=line.split(":") except: continue #exception occured try the next line if data == 'HOST': datahost = value.strip() elif data == 'SERVICE': dataservice = value.strip() elif data == 'COLOR': datacolor = value.strip() elif data == 'DOWN': datadown = value.strip() sec=int(datadown) td_sec = datetime.timedelta(seconds=sec) td_sec_formated = formatTD(td_sec) out_line =" %s on %s %s for %s \n" %(dataservice, datahost,datacolor.upper(), td_sec_formated) out_alert += out_line print "System Alerts:" print "--------------" if len(out_alert) > 0: print out_alert print " Go to http://%s and click Health & Maintenance for more information." %gethostname() else: print " All systems OK" return #------------------------------------------- class tuner_recording_status: def __init__ (self,num_upcoming): self.now = datetime.datetime.now() self.farout=99999999 self.next_start_diff=datetime.timedelta(self.farout) self.num_upcoming=num_upcoming self.tuner_status_list=[] self.conflict_list=[] self.upcoming_list=[] self.ur=0 self.db_connection_status = self.check_database_connection() if self.db_connection_status == 0: self.tuner_status() self.conflicts() self.upcoming_recordings() def get_db_check_status(self): return self.db_connection_status def check_database_connection(self): rc=0 try: self.be = MythBE() self.db = MythDB() self.cursor = self.db.cursor() except: print "\nCouldn't connect to MythTV service for status" rc=1 return rc #----- def tuner_status(self): a=self.be.getRecorderList() for i in a: outline='' cmd="select cardtype,hostname from capturecard where cardid=%s;" %i self.cursor.execute(cmd) results=self.cursor.fetchall() type = results[0][0] hostname = results[0][1] id = i try: c=self.be.getCurrentRecording(i) if c.title == None: current_recording = "Idle" else: current_recording = "Recording %s" %c.title outline = " Tuner %s (%s) on %s : %s " %(id, type, hostname, current_recording) self.tuner_status_list.append(outline) except: outline = " Tuner %s (%s) on %s : %s " %(id, type, hostname, "Tuner Error") self.tuner_status_list.append(outline) def get_tuner_status(self): return self.tuner_status def print_tuner_status(self): print "Tuner Status:" print "-------------" if len(self.tuner_status_list) > 0 : for line in self.tuner_status_list: print line else: print " No tuners found" #-------- def upcoming_recordings(self): a=self.be.getUpcomingRecordings() r=0 currTZ = tz.tzlocal() for i in a: r += 1 if r > self.num_upcoming: break title_chan="%s (%s)" %(i.title, i.channame) # convert timezone to local timezone start_time=parse(str(i.starttime)) start_time=start_time.astimezone(currTZ) start_time_out=start_time.strftime("%a %b %d %I:%M%p") self.upcoming_list.append([start_time_out,i.hostname, title_chan]) #remove timezone start_time=re.split("[-+]\d\d:\d\d",str(i.starttime))[0] start_time_struct=datetime.datetime.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") diff = start_time_struct - self.now if diff < self.next_start_diff : self.next_start_diff = diff if self.next_start_diff == datetime.timedelta(self.farout): self.ur="No recordings are scheduled" else: self.ur=formatTD(self.next_start_diff) def get_upcoming_recordings(self): return self.upcoming_list def print_upcoming_recordings(self): #print self.get_upcoming_recordings() print "" print "Upcoming Recordings (Next %s Scheduled):" %(self.num_upcoming) print "----------------------------------------" if len(self.get_upcoming_recordings()) > 0: for i in self.get_upcoming_recordings(): #print " %s - %s - %s" %(start_time_out,i.hostname, title_chan) print " %s - %s - %s" %(i[0],i[1],i[2]) else: print " No upcoming recordings" pass def get_next_start_time(self): return self.ur def print_next_start_time(self): print "" print "The next recording starts in:" print "-----------------------------" print " %s" %(self.get_next_start_time()) print "" #----- def conflicts(self): a=self.be.getConflictedRecordings() currTZ = tz.tzlocal() for i in a: out_line='' title_chan="%s (%s)" %(i.title, i.channame) # convert timezone to local timezone start_time=parse(str(i.starttime)) start_time=start_time.astimezone(currTZ) start_time_out=start_time.strftime("%a %b %d %I:%M%p") out_line=(start_time_out,i.hostname,title_chan) self.conflict_list.append(out_line) def get_conflict_list(self): return self.conflict_list def print_conflict_list(self): print "" print "Recording Conflicts:" print "--------------------" if len(self.get_conflict_list()) > 0: for i in self.get_conflict_list(): print " %s - %s - %s" %(i[0],i[1],i[2]) else: print " No conflicts" #header="#"*60 def go(): tuner = tuner_recording_status(12) if tuner.get_db_check_status() == 0: tuner.print_tuner_status() tuner.print_upcoming_recordings() tuner.print_conflict_list() tuner.print_next_start_time() print_alerts() if __name__ == "__main__": go()