--- ABOUT SUMMER THEME --- Summer theme is based on Spring theme (my previous work), originally based on Winter theme made by Rephorm ; without his great work, Summer would probably not exist. Summer was designed for Enlightenment 0.16.x (better 0.16.7+) It was essentialy inspired and made to pursue the concept of seasons introduced by Winter and followed by Spring. Summer include all the new features and bugfixes provided by Spring theme but with a redesign for windows borders, buttons and flashy, funny, sunny colors especially made to 'summerize' and enlight a little more your desktop. THR4K Quick FAQ - How to install Summer E16 theme ? First uncompress the tar.gz theme file with the tar -xzvf command, after that, simply put the Summer directory obtained in your home directory under ~/.enlightenment/themes - The theme doesn't work for me, what can I do ? Verify your version of Enlightenment : if you use an older version (eg. before 0.16.5) the theme will probably not work correctly. So if you're in this case update your Enlightenement version if you want to use Summer. - Can I use this theme under E17 ? A quick answer : no. E17 theme engine is not the same as E16 and work with a different theme format. For this reason all E16 themes including Summer will NOT work with E17. - Do you plane to port this theme under E17 ? Hum that seems to be a good idea in the future ;-) I probably did a port of Summer soon after official release of E17, because it still misses a lot of features in his actual state of development. Currently I'm focused on the realisation of another seasonal fashioned theme (Autumn) for the last fans of E16 :-) CHANGELOG 10/04/2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Wrong license path corrected in the copyright file - Text update in the ABOUT dialog box - Updated eterm theme config file ; wrong path fixed - Date errors in the README/CHANGELOG corrected 09/11/2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Upgraded portions of code - Buttons comportment changed in conjunction with Summer-gtk - Color modifications for a best integration with Summer-gtk 09/10/2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Fews modifications on code - Design enhancements for radio buttons into dialogboxes - Added text changes for 'About this theme' infos - Added nice Summer about image for 'About this theme' - Design enhancements for focuslist selection style 09/04/2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Code modification to suit with recents changes - Added new gradient backgrounds - Added final design for init/startup - Added new design for Epplets buttons and their global style - Added new design for Summer-themed Eterm - Added new dragbar design - Added new design for root menu elements - Many modifications for dialogboxes elements - Window buttons redesign 09/03/2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Tested new design style for dialogboxes elements - Color changes for fonts display - Little redesign for windows borders added - Modifications/improvements on code - Color changes between normal/hilighted buttons, windows, etc - Main new graphical elements of Summer theme added 08/28/2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------ First tries for global shape and color design. ------------------------------------------------------------------ For any questions, suggestions or for reporting bugs (wich only concern Summer, not Enlightenment himself, of course) you can contact me (in english or french) at : thr4k@i-glooo.com