#!/bin/bash # limit-mythcommflag.sh v0.2 03/2/10 # Utility to automatically limit mythcommflag if CPU system load is above a certain level # and if backend usage is above a certain level # Uses cpulimit from http://cpulimit.sourceforge.net/ # Free for any use. # Installation: # cp limit-mythcommflag.sh /usr/LH/bin # chmod +x /usr/LH/bin/limit-mythcommflag.sh # Usage: Executed from runit limit-mythcommflag at boot #-----OPTIONS______ # Number of seconds to wait between checking for mythcommflag process SLEEP=5 # Backend and Frontend thresholds above which mythcommflag is stopped BETHRESHOLD=30 FETHRESHOLD=55 # FUNCTIONS limit_cpu() # Arg_1 = LimitedRangeNum; Arg_2 = CPULimitPercent; Arg_3 = Commflag PID { if [ $ALREADYLIMITED -ne $1 ] ; then if [ $cpulimit_pid -ne 0 ]; then kill $cpulimit_pid fi cpulimit -p $3 -l $2 & cpulimit_pid=$! ALREADYLIMITED=$1 fi } stop_limit() { if [ $ALREADYLIMITED -ne 0 ]; then if [ $cpulimit_pid -ne 0 ]; then kill $cpulimit_pid cpulimit_pid=0 fi ALREADYLIMITED=0 fi } ALREADYLIMITED=0 STOPPED=0 cpulimit_pid=0 while true; do PROCCOMMFLAG=`pidof mythcommflag` if [ -n "${PROCCOMMFLAG}" ]; then BACKENDCPU=`top -bn1u mythtv | grep -m 1 mythbackend | awk '{ print $9 }'` FRONTENDCPU=`top -bn1u mythtv | grep -m 1 mythfrontend | awk '{ print $9 }'` if [ "$FRONTENDCPU" = "" ]; then FRONTENDCPU=0 fi if [ "$BACKENDCPU" -ge "$BETHRESHOLD" ]; then if [ "$FRONTENDCPU" -ge $FETHRESHOLD ]; then if [ $STOPPED -eq 0 ]; then kill -s STOP $PROCCOMMFLAG STOPPED=1 fi else if [ $STOPPED -eq 1 ]; then kill -s CONT $PROCCOMMFLAG STOPPED=0 fi stop_limit fi else if [ $STOPPED -eq 1 ]; then kill -s CONT $PROCCOMMFLAG STOPPED=0 fi case $FRONTENDCPU in [0-9]|[0-3][0-9] ) stop_limit;; [4-5][0-9] ) limit_cpu "1" "70" $PROCCOMMFLAG;; [6-7][0-9] ) limit_cpu "2" "50" $PROCCOMMFLAG;; [8-9][0-9] ) limit_cpu "3" "20" $PROCCOMMFLAG;; [1][0-9][0-9] ) limit_cpu "4" "10" $PROCCOMMFLAG;; esac fi # else # echo "No COMMFLAG Process Active" fi sleep $SLEEP done