#!/bin/bash # pause-mythcommflag.sh v0.2 05/21/09 # Utility to automatically pause & unpause mythcommflag if CPU usage is above a certain level # Free for any use. # Installation: # cp pause-mythcommflag.sh /usr/LH/bin # chmod +x /usr/LH/bin/pause-mythcommflag.sh # Usage: Executed from sv start pause-mythcommflag # Threshold for when mythcommflag will be paused CPUTHRESHOLD=75 # Second Threshold for when mythcommflag is already paused PAUSEDCPUTHRESHOLD=45 # Log file to write (change to /dev/null for no log) LOG=/var/log/mythtv/pause-mythcommflag.log # Number of seconds to wait between checking for mythcommflag process SLEEP=5 #sleep $SLEEP touch $LOG COMMFLAGSTATE=1 while true; do PROCCOMMFLAG=`pidof mythcommflag` if [ -n "${PROCCOMMFLAG}" ] then FRONTENDCPU=`top -bn1u mythtv | grep mythfrontend | awk '{ print $9 }'` if [ $COMMFLAGSTATE -eq 1 ] then CPUTHRESHOLD1=$CPUTHRESHOLD else CPUTHRESHOLD1=$PAUSEDCPUTHRESHOLD fi if [ "$FRONTENDCPU" -ge "$CPUTHRESHOLD1" ] then # echo "$(date) FE CPU $FRONTENDCPU% is greater than $CPUTHRESHOLD1%, PAUSE Commflagging" >> $LOG kill -s STOP $PROCCOMMFLAG COMMFLAGSTATE=0 else # echo "$(date) FE CPU $FRONTENDCPU% is less than $CPUTHRESHOLD1%, CONTINUE Commflagging" >> $LOG kill -s CONT $PROCCOMMFLAG COMMFLAGSTATE=1 fi # else # echo "No COMMFLAG Process Active" >> $LOG fi sleep $SLEEP done