#!/bin/bash # Written by Bob Igo from the MythTV Store at http://MythiC.TV # Email: bob@stormlogic.com # # If you run into problems with this script, please send me email # This code generates screenshots (cover files) for all videos in # MythTV's videometadata table that do not have covers associated with them. if [ "$1" == "1" ]; then OSD=1 else OSD=0 fi > /tmp/shooter.log { percentage=0 # Change IFS to be a newline so that filenames with spaces will be handled properly. IFS=$'\n' vidcount=`mysql -u root mythconverg -B -e "select filename from videometadata where coverfile=\"No Cover\" OR coverfile=\"\";" | wc -l` increment=$(expr 100 / $vidcount) for vid in `mysql -u root mythconverg -B -e "select filename from videometadata where coverfile=\"No Cover\" OR coverfile=\"\";" | grep -v -e "^filename$"` do if [ $OSD == 1 ]; then osd_cat --barmode=percentage --percentage=$percentage --pos=middle --align=center --color=white --text="Generating Video Thumbnails..." --font=$FONT --shadow=3 --color=yellow --delay=0 & percentage=$(expr $percentage + $increment) fi screenshooter.sh -v $vid done if [ $OSD == 1 ]; then killall -9 osd_cat osd_cat --barmode=percentage --percentage=100 --pos=middle --align=center --color=white --text="Video Thumbnails Generated!" --font=$FONT --shadow=3 --color=yellow --delay=3 & fi }