--- readme.txt.orig	2014-05-27 19:56:48.714421419 +0000
+++ readme.txt	2014-05-27 19:58:12.880315485 +0000
@@ -1,26 +1,9 @@
-If the default background is too light for you there is a darker version located
-in images/backgrounds/dark/.
-If the default background is too dark for you there is a lighter version located
-in images/backgrounds/light/.
-You can just copy them over to the images/backgrounds/ directory.
-I actually use the darker version myself as my tv is set pretty bright but it is too dark
-for computer monitors.
 Alternate osd.
 There is an alternate osd available for anybody that doesn't like the default. ( osd.xml.alt )
 I use the alternate osd myself.
 To use just move the default osd to osd.xml.orig and copy the osd.xml.alt to osd.xml.
 Example mv osd.xml osd.xml.orig and cp osd.xml.alt osd.xml.
-Alternate vertical main menu.
-There is an alternate main menu using a vertical layout rather than the default horizontal layout.
-To use just backup main-ui.xml. Example cp menu-ui.xml menu-ui.xml.bak.
-Then cp menu-ui-vert.xml to menu-ui.xml.
 Color text in lists.
 There are two types of lists in the theme.