#!/usr/bin/python # import MySQL module #jm import MySQLdb import sys import getopt import socket import os import time import string import glob from string import letters from string import digits def INSERTCARD_INTOMYTH(Device,Driver,Cardvendor): global currenthostname print Device print Driver, print Cardvendor cursor = db.cursor() insert = "false" if Driver == "ivtv" : cardtype="MPEG" defaultinput="Tuner 1" insert="true" if Cardvendor == "pcHDTV HD3000 HDTV": insert="false" cardtype ="whocares" #print insert if insert == "true" : cursor.execute("INSERT INTO capturecard (videodevice,cardtype,defaultinput,hostname) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s);",(Device,cardtype,defaultinput,currenthostname)) def INSERTHDR_INTOMYTH(deviceid,tuner_number): cardtype='HDHOMERUN' defaultinput='MPEG2TS' global currenthostname print deviceid print cardtype print defaultinput print tuner_number cursor = db.cursor() #print insert cursor.execute("INSERT INTO capturecard (videodevice,cardtype,defaultinput,dbox2_port ,hostname) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);",(deviceid,cardtype,defaultinput,tuner_number,currenthostname)) def INSERTAUTOCARD(): global cardlist global currenthostname # create a cursor cursor = db.cursor() for i in range( 1 , len(cardlist)): insert = "false" # print cardlist[i] Device=cardlist[i][0] Driver=cardlist[i][1] Cardvendor=cardlist[i][2] Businfo=cardlist[i][3] if Driver == "ivtv" : insert="true" devicestatus="unused" if Cardvendor == "pcHDTV HD3000 HDTV": insert="false" cardtype ="whocares" if Driver == "hdr": insert="true" devicestatus="unused" if insert == "true" : cursor.execute("delete from autocard where uniqid=%s;",(Businfo)) if Driver=="hdr": Cardvendor="HDHOMERUN Tuner 1" cursor.execute("INSERT INTO autocard (dev,driver,description,uniqid,devicestatus,hostname) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);",(Device,Driver,Cardvendor,Businfo,devicestatus,currenthostname)) Cardvendor="HDHOMERUN Tuner 2" cursor.execute("INSERT INTO autocard (dev,driver,description,uniqid,devicestatus,hostname) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);",(Device,Driver,Cardvendor,Businfo,devicestatus,currenthostname)) else: cursor.execute("INSERT INTO autocard (dev,driver,description,uniqid,devicestatus,hostname) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);",(Device,Driver,Cardvendor,Businfo,devicestatus,currenthostname)) def PRINTINFO(): global cardlist for list in cardlist: if list != "_placeholder_": print list #print "-------------" def GATHER_HDR(): global cardlist command="/usr/bin/hdhomerun_config --discover" results=os.popen(command,'r') line=results.readline() if line.strip().split()[0] == "no": print "HDHOMERUN not detected" else: print line hdrdevice=line.strip().split()[2] print hdrdevice Driver="hdr" Device=hdrdevice Cardtype="HDHOMERUN" Businfo=hdrdevice cardprops = [Device,Driver , Cardtype , Businfo] cardlist.append(cardprops) def GATHER_v4l_CARDS(): global cardlist cardlist=["_placeholder_"] # print "Looking for v4l cards" try: filelist = os.listdir('/dev/v4l/') except OSError: filelist=" " #fakelist=['/dev/v4l/video3', 'ivtv', 'WinTV PVR 500 (unit #2)', '0000:04:09.0'] #cardlist.append(fakelist) try: filelist = glob.glob("/dev/v4l/video?") Driver="" Cardtype="" Businfo="" numcards = 0 for Device in filelist: #print card numcards = numcards+1 cmd = 'v4l2-ctl -D -d' + Device for line in os.popen(cmd).readlines(): #print line pos = string.find(line,"Driver name") if pos >=0: splitline= line.split(':') Driver=splitline[1].strip() pos = string.find(line,"Card type") if pos >=0: splitline= line.split(':') Cardtype=splitline[1].strip() pos = string.find(line,"Bus info") if pos >=0: splitline= line.split(':',1) Businfo=splitline[1].strip() #print Device,Driver , Cardtype , Businfo,numcards cardprops = [Device,Driver , Cardtype , Businfo] cardlist.append(cardprops) except IOError: print "no v4l cards found" sys.exit(2) def WRITEUDEV_IVTV(): global insertmyth cursor = db.cursor() #add ivtv,cid lookup loop through until empty. cursor.execute("select distinct(uniqid) from autocard where driver='ivtv' and devicestatus='will-add'") cidrows = cursor.fetchall() for row in cidrows: cid=row[0] cursor.execute("select dev,driver,description,devicestatus,hostname from autocard where uniqid=%s limit 1;",(cid)) result = cursor.fetchone() description=result[2] driver='DRIVERS==\"ivtv\"' ATTRNAME='ATTR{name}=="ivtv? encoder MPG"' KERNELS='KERNELS==\"' KERNELS+=cid KERNELS+="\"" #filter out non digit or chars keep=letters.join(digits) description=filter(lambda c: c in keep, description) devnode="ivtv/" #devnode+=description + "_" udevcid=cid.partition(":") devnode+=udevcid[2] devnode+="_video" UDEV_RULE=driver +', '+ATTRNAME+', '+ KERNELS +', ' + 'NAME=\"' + devnode + '"' print "Here is the udev rule" print UDEV_RULE filename='/etc/udev/rules.d/11-ivtv-'+cid+'.rules' file = open(filename,'w') file.write(UDEV_RULE) if ( insertmyth == "true"): devnode="/dev/"+devnode INSERTCARD_INTOMYTH(devnode,"ivtv",description) cursor.execute("update autocard set devicestatus='done' where uniqid=%s;",(cid)) #now insert HDR cursor.execute("select distinct(uniqid),description from autocard where driver='hdr' and devicestatus='will-add'") cidrows = cursor.fetchall() for row in cidrows: if ( insertmyth == "true"): deviceid=row[0] #cardtype="HDHOMRUN" #defaultinput="MPEG2TS" dbox2_port=row[1] tuner_number=dbox2_port.rpartition(' ')[2] INSERTHDR_INTOMYTH(deviceid,tuner_number) cursor.execute("update autocard set devicestatus='done' where uniqid=%s and description=%s;",(deviceid,dbox2_port)) def CLEARAUTOCARD(): cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("delete from autocard") def RELOADUDEV(): print "relaoding udev rules" os.system('udevcontrol reload_rules') os.system('rmmod ivtv') os.system('udevtrigger') def usage(): print " -h help" print " -g gather and print out the found cards" print " -w write out the udev rules" print " -i insert cards into myth that are marked will-add(only used with -w)" print " -r reload udev rules" print " -c clear the autocard db" def main(argv): global db global cardlist global currenthostname currenthostname="" writeudev="false" global insertmyth insertmyth ="false" db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="mythtv", passwd="mythtv", db="mythconverg") try: cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("describe autocard;") except MySQLdb.Error, e: cursor.execute("create table autocard(dev varchar(50),driver varchar(50),description varchar(50),uniqid varchar(50), devicestatus varchar(50),hostname varchar(50));") print "table created" if ( currenthostname == "" ): currenthostname = socket.gethostname() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hgwirc", ["help", "gathercards", "writeudev" ,"insert" , "reloadudev" , "clearautocard"] ) except getopt.GetoptError: sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ( "-g" , "--gathercards"): GATHER_v4l_CARDS() GATHER_HDR() INSERTAUTOCARD() PRINTINFO() elif opt in ("-w", "--writeudev"): writeudev="true" elif opt in ("-i", "--insert"): insertmyth="true" elif opt in ( "-r" , "--reloadudev"): RELOADUDEV() elif opt in ( "-c" , "--clearautocard"): CLEARAUTOCARD() if ( writeudev == "true"): WRITEUDEV_IVTV() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:]) #mysql> create table autocard(dev varchar(50),driver varchar(50),description varchar(50),uniqid varchar(50), devicestatus varchar(50),hostname varchar(50)); #Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.14 sec) #mysql> describe autocard; #+--------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ #| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | #+--------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ #| dev | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | | #| driver | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | | #| description | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | | #| uniqid | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | | #| devicestatus | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | | #| hostname | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | | #+--------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+