#This is the path to the mythtv src PREFIX = /usr/include/mythtv LIBVERSION = 29 VERSION = 29.0 INCLUDEPATH += $$PREFIX INCLUDEPATH += $$PREFIX/libmyth INCLUDEPATH += $$PREFIX/libmythui INCLUDEPATH += $$PREFIX/libmythservicecontracts LIBS += -L /usr/local/lib LIBS += -lmythtv-$$LIBVERSION #LIBS += -lmythdb-$$LIBVERSION LIBS += -lmythui-$$LIBVERSION LIBS += -lmyth-$$LIBVERSION LIBS+= -lmythbase-$$LIBVERSION mingw { LIBS += -lpthread CONFIG += console } TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += thread CONFIG += c++11 TARGET = mythinstall target.path = $${PREFIX}/bin INSTALLS = target uifiles.path = $${PREFIX}/share/mythtv/themes/default uifiles.files = install-ui.xml images/*.png INSTALLS += uifiles QMAKE_CLEAN += $(TARGET) # Input //HEADERS += commandlineparser.h //SOURCES += main.cpp commandlineparser.cpp HEADERS += installdialog.h commandlineparser.h installsettings.h settemplate.h installationtype.h autocard.h xorgsettings.h password_manage.h misc_settings.h mv_common.h infrared.h compat-mv.h supplemental.h vnc.h fileshare.h questionnotice.h SOURCES += main.cpp commandlineparser.cpp installdialog.cpp installsettings.cpp settemplate.cpp installationtype.cpp autocard.cpp xorgsettings.cpp password_manage.cpp misc_settings.cpp infrared.cpp compat-mv.cpp supplemental.cpp vnc.cpp fileshare.cpp questionnotice.cpp QT += sql xml network widgets