#include #include "installsettings.h" #include "settemplate.h" #include void create_temp_table (QString create_table_name,QString like_name) { MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); query.prepare("create table " + create_table_name + " like " + like_name + ";" ); query.exec(); if ( like_name == "settings") { query.prepare("Alter table " + create_table_name + " add unique ( value ) ; " ); query.exec(); } query.prepare(" truncate " + create_table_name + ";" ); query.exec(); }; void drop_temp_table (QString tname) { MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); query.prepare("drop table " + tname + ";" ); query.exec(); } void restart_frontend () { QString cmdtxt; cmdtxt=MV_ROOT ; cmdtxt.append("bin/systemconfig.sh reloadfe" ); //cout << "Calling systemconfig.sh reloadfe" << endl; int sysRet = system(qPrintable(cmdtxt)); if (sysRet < 0) LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "Error running systemconfig.sh reloadfe"); } void choosetemplate (QString templateop, QString templatename , QString templatehostname = "") { if ( templateop == "" ) { MythCtemplate setting; // setting.load(); // setting.save(); // setting.exec(); }; QString thistemplate; QString thisoperation; QString thishost; //QString runcommand = "/root/restore_default_settings.sh"; QString runcommand = "echo "; // //cout << templateop << endl; // //cout << templatename << endl; // //cout << templatehostname << endl; if (templateop == "") thisoperation = gCoreContext->GetSetting("HOSTtemplatetype"); else thisoperation = templateop; thistemplate = "none"; if ( thisoperation == "save" ) { if (templatename == "" ) thistemplate = gCoreContext->GetSetting("HostTemplateSave"); else thistemplate = templatename; savesettings(thistemplate); } else if ( thisoperation == "restore" ) { if (templatename == "" ) thistemplate = gCoreContext->GetSetting("HostTemplateRestore"); else thistemplate = templatename; if ( thistemplate == "default_1") c_from("default_1" , thistemplate); else if ( thistemplate == "default_2") c_from("default_2" ,thistemplate); else restoresettings(thistemplate); } else if ( thisoperation == "copy_from" ) { if (templatename == "" ) { thishost = gCoreContext->GetSetting("HostSelectcopy_from"); thistemplate = gCoreContext->GetSetting("HostTemplateRestore"); } else { thishost=templatehostname; thistemplate=templatename; }; c_from(thishost,thistemplate); } // if ( thistemplate != "none" ) // { // std:://cout << runcommand << endl; // system(runcommand); //} }; void savesettings (QString templatenumber ) { //cout << "SAVING....." << templatenumber << endl; QString templatename = "settings_" + templatenumber ; // Remove old saved values MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); query.prepare( "delete from " + templatename + " where hostname=:HOSTNAME ;" ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , gCoreContext->GetHostName() ); query.exec(); //insert all new settings query.prepare( "replace into " + templatename + " (select * from settings where hostname=:HOSTNAME ) ;" ) ; query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , gCoreContext->GetHostName() ); query.exec(); // repeat for keybindings templatename = "keybindings_" + templatenumber ; query.prepare( "delete from " + templatename + " where hostname=:HOSTNAME ;" ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , gCoreContext->GetHostName() ); query.exec(); query.prepare( "replace into " + templatename + " (select * from keybindings where hostname=:HOSTNAME ) ;" ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , gCoreContext->GetHostName() ); query.exec(); } void restoresettings (QString templatenumber ) { //cout << "RESTORING....." << templatenumber << endl; // DEFAULT settings are handled by the copy from routine MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); QStringList tablelist ; QStringList::Iterator it; QString current_table; tablelist.append ("settings"); tablelist.append ("keybindings"); QString templatename; for ( it = tablelist.begin(); it != tablelist.end(); ++it ) { current_table = *it ; //find template table to use QString templatename = current_table + "_" + templatenumber ; QString temptable="temp_table_" + current_table + "_" + gCoreContext->GetHostName() ; // create temp table for merging settings, The merge is needed to ac//coutn for any new settings. create_temp_table(temptable, current_table ); // copy in current settings query.prepare( "replace into " + temptable + " (select * from " + current_table + " where hostname=:HOSTNAME ) ; " ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , gCoreContext->GetHostName() ); query.exec(); // need to remove all non HOST settigns // copy in stored settings query.prepare( "replace into " + temptable + " (select * from " + templatename + " where hostname=:HOSTNAME ) ; " ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , gCoreContext->GetHostName() ); query.exec(); // remove current settings. Need to remove because the old table allows for duplicates and replace into doesn' seem to "replace" query.prepare( "delete from " + current_table + " where hostname=:HOSTNAME ;" ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , gCoreContext->GetHostName() ); query.exec(); // copy new settings from temp to current query.prepare( "replace into " + current_table + " (select * from " + temptable + " );" ); query.exec(); // drop temptable drop_temp_table(temptable); } restart_frontend(); }; void c_from(QString copyhost, QString templatenumber) { //cout << "Copying....." + copyhost + " " + "templatenumber" << endl; MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); //Create temp table, copy in settings from host_template, update hostname for new host,copy temp_table to settings. QStringList tablelist ; QStringList::Iterator it; QString current_table ; tablelist.append ("settings"); tablelist.append ("keybindings"); QString templatename; QString temptable; for ( it = tablelist.begin(); it != tablelist.end(); ++it ) { current_table = *it ; //cout << current_table << endl; //find template table to use if ( templatenumber == "Current" ) templatename = current_table ; else templatename = current_table + "_" + templatenumber ; temptable="temp_table_" + current_table + "_" + gCoreContext->GetHostName() ; // create temp table for merging settings create_temp_table(temptable, current_table ); //cout << temptable + " " + current_table << endl; // copy current settings from this host into temptable minus all Mythvantage settings if ( current_table == "settings") { query.prepare( "replace into " + temptable + " (select * from " + current_table + " where hostname=:HOSTNAME and value not like 'HOST%' ) ; " ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , gCoreContext->GetHostName() ); } else query.prepare( "replace into " + temptable + " (select * from " + current_table + " where hostname=:HOSTNAME ) ; " ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , gCoreContext->GetHostName() ); query.exec(); // update hostname to match whatever the hostname of the template is query.prepare ("update " + temptable + " set hostname=:HOSTNAME ; " ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , copyhost ); query.exec(); // copy current settings from copy host into temptable minus all Mythvantage settings if ( current_table == "settings") query.prepare( "replace into " + temptable + " (select * from " + templatename + " where hostname=:HOSTNAME and value not like 'HOST%' ) ; " ); else query.prepare( "replace into " + temptable + " (select * from " + templatename + " where hostname=:HOSTNAME ) ; " ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , copyhost ); query.exec(); //update hostname query.prepare ("update " + temptable + " set hostname=:HOSTNAME ; " ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , gCoreContext->GetHostName() ); query.exec(); // delete old settings from settings table if ( current_table == "settings") { query.prepare( "delete from " + current_table + " where hostname=:HOSTNAME and value not like 'HOST%' ;" ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , gCoreContext->GetHostName() ); } else { query.prepare( "delete from " + current_table + " where hostname=:HOSTNAME ;" ); query.bindValue( ":HOSTNAME" , gCoreContext->GetHostName() ); } query.exec(); // copy settings from temptable to settings if ( current_table == "settings") query.prepare( "replace into " + current_table + " (select * from " + temptable + " where value not like 'HOST% ' ) ;" ); else query.prepare( "replace into " + current_table + " (select * from " + temptable + " );" ); query.exec(); // drop temptable // drop_temp_table(temptable); restart_frontend(); }; }; static HostComboBoxSetting *HOSTtemplatetype() { HostComboBoxSetting *gc = new HostComboBoxSetting("HOSTtemplatetype"); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Template options")); gc->addSelection("Do Nothing") ; gc->addSelection("restore"); gc->addSelection("save") ; gc->addSelection("copy_from"); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Select the name to save, this will make a copy of your keybindings and videoplayback. Choose none if you do not wish to change anything.")); return gc; } static HostComboBoxSetting *HostTemplateSave() { HostComboBoxSetting *gc = new HostComboBoxSetting("HostTemplateSave"); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Save Template")); // gc->addSelection("none"); gc->addSelection("user1") ; gc->addSelection("user2") ; gc->addSelection("user3") ; gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Select the name to save, this will make a copy of your keybindings and videoplayback. Choose none if you do not wish to change anything.")); return gc; } static HostComboBoxSetting *HostTemplateCopy_restore() { HostComboBoxSetting *gc = new HostComboBoxSetting("HostTemplateRestore"); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Template")); // gc->addSelection("none"); gc->addSelection("Current"); gc->addSelection("user1") ; gc->addSelection("user2") ; gc->addSelection("user3") ; gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Select the template you wish to restore. This will change the way Myth repsonds to you remote buttons. Choose none if you do not wish to change anything.")); return gc; } static HostComboBoxSetting *HostTemplateRestore() { HostComboBoxSetting *gc = new HostComboBoxSetting("HostTemplateRestore"); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Template")); // gc->addSelection("none"); gc->addSelection("default_1"); gc->addSelection("default_2"); gc->addSelection("user1") ; gc->addSelection("user2") ; gc->addSelection("user3") ; gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Select the template you wish to restore. This will change the way Myth repsonds to you remote buttons. Choose none if you do not wish to change anything.")); return gc; } static HostComboBoxSetting *HostSelectcopy_from() { HostComboBoxSetting *gc = new HostComboBoxSetting("HostSelectcopy_from"); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("Host")); // gc->addSelection("none"); QString tempItem; MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); query.prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT hostname from settings where hostname is not null;"); if (query.exec() && query.isActive() && query.size() > 0) { while (query.next()) { tempItem = query.value(0).toString(); gc->addSelection(tempItem); } } gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Select the Host you wish to copy settings from.")); return gc; } class TemplateSettings: public TriggeredConfigurationGroup { public: TemplateSettings(): //ConfigurationGroup(false, true, false, false), //VerticalConfigurationGroup(false, true, false, false), TriggeredConfigurationGroup(true) { setLabel(QObject::tr("Manage templates")); // setUseLabel(false); Setting* Mtemplate = HOSTtemplatetype(); addChild(Mtemplate); setTrigger(Mtemplate); ConfigurationGroup* trestore = new VerticalConfigurationGroup(false); trestore->addChild(HostTemplateRestore()); ConfigurationGroup* tsave = new VerticalConfigurationGroup(false); tsave->addChild(HostTemplateSave()); ConfigurationGroup* tcopy = new VerticalConfigurationGroup(false); tcopy->addChild(HostSelectcopy_from()); tcopy->addChild(HostTemplateCopy_restore()); addTarget("Do Nothing", new VerticalConfigurationGroup(true)); addTarget("restore", trestore); addTarget("save", tsave); addTarget("copy_from", tcopy); }; }; MythCtemplate::MythCtemplate() { TemplateSettings *templatesettings = new TemplateSettings(); addChild(templatesettings); }