#include #include #include #include #include #include "settings.h" #include "installsettings.h" #include "installdialog.h" #include "password_manage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include /****************************************************************************/ typedef enum { UseraddPopup_OK = 0, UseraddPopup_CANCEL, UseraddPopup_DELETE } UseraddPopupResult; bool passtoggle = TRUE; QString invalid_chars = "&<>/~`;:!"; class AddUserPopup { public: static UseraddPopupResult showPopup(MythMainWindow *parent, QString title, QString message, QString& text); }; UseraddPopupResult AddUserPopup::showPopup(MythMainWindow *parent, QString title, QString message, QString& text) { MythPopupBox *popup = new MythPopupBox(parent, title); popup->addLabel(message); MythLineEdit *textEdit = new MythLineEdit(popup, "chooseEdit"); textEdit->setText(text); popup->addWidget(textEdit); popup->addButton(QObject::tr("OK"), popup, SLOT(accept())); popup->addButton(QObject::tr("Cancel"), popup, SLOT(reject())); textEdit->setFocus(); bool ok = (MythDialog::Accepted == popup->ExecPopup()); if (ok) text = QDeepCopy(textEdit->text()); popup->hide(); popup->deleteLater(); return (ok) ? UseraddPopup_OK : UseraddPopup_CANCEL; } /****************************************************************************/ void UserManagement::user_fillselection() { //only add users with UID above 1000 QString line; QString user; QString quid; int uid; QFile file("/etc/passwd"); if ( file.open(IO_ReadOnly | IO_Translate) ) { QTextStream t( &file ); // use a text stream while ( !t.eof() ) { line = t.readLine(); user = line.section(":",0,0); quid = line.section(":",2,2); uid=quid.toInt(); if ( uid >= 1000 ) userlist->addSelection(user); } file.close(); } } bool UserManagement::user_exisit_check(QString name) { QString line; QString user; QString quid; bool founduser; founduser=false; int uid; QFile file("/etc/passwd"); if ( file.open(IO_ReadOnly | IO_Translate) ) { QTextStream t( &file ); // use a text stream while ( !t.eof() ) { line = t.readLine(); user = line.section(":",0,0); quid = line.section(":",2,2); uid=quid.toInt(); if ( user == name ) { founduser=true; break; } } file.close(); } return founduser; } bool UserManagement::user_valid_check(QString check_string) { QChar current_char; int upperlimit; int found_char; int i ; upperlimit = invalid_chars.length() -1 ; for(i= 0; i <= upperlimit; i++) { found_char = -1; current_char = invalid_chars.at(i); found_char = check_string.contains(current_char,FALSE); if ( found_char > 0 ) return FALSE; } return TRUE ; } UserManagement::UserManagement(): VerticalConfigurationGroup(false,false,false,false) { setLabel(QObject::tr("Password Management")); userlist = new TransComboBoxSetting(false); userlist->setLabel(QObject::tr("Current Accounts")); userlist->addSelection("root"); userlist->addSelection("mythtv"); user_fillselection(); userlist->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Select the account for password reset")); userpass1= new TransLineEditSetting(true); userpass1->setLabel("Password"); userpass1->SetPasswordEcho(passtoggle); userpass1->setHelpText(QObject::tr("The following characters will not be accepted: " + invalid_chars)); passToggleButton = new TransButtonSetting; passToggleButton->setLabel("Toggle password view"); passToggleButton->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Hide or show the password")); info = new TransLabelSetting; info->setValue(""); userapplyButton = new TransButtonSetting; userapplyButton->setLabel("Apply new password"); usercreateButton = new TransButtonSetting; usercreateButton->setLabel("Create a new user account"); usercreateButton->setHelpText(QObject::tr("The following characters will not be accepted: " + invalid_chars)); userdeleteButton = new TransButtonSetting; userdeleteButton->setLabel("Delete current account"); ConfigurationGroup *buttonlist = new GridConfigurationGroup(2,false); buttonlist-> addChild(usercreateButton); buttonlist-> addChild(userdeleteButton); ConfigurationGroup *buttonlist2 = new GridConfigurationGroup(2,false); buttonlist2-> addChild(passToggleButton); buttonlist2-> addChild(userapplyButton); rootSSH = new HostCheckBox("HOSTrootSSH"); rootSSH->setLabel("Enable remote access for the root account."); rootSSH->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Checking this will enable ssh for the root account. Leave this disabled unless you know what your doing.")); rootSSH->setValue(false); addChild(userlist); addChild(buttonlist); addChild(userpass1); addChild(info); addChild(rootSSH); addChild(buttonlist2); connect(userapplyButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(applychanges())); connect(userlist, SIGNAL(valueChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(userchanged())); connect(usercreateButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(usercreatepopup())); connect(userdeleteButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(userdeletepopup())); connect(passToggleButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(togglepass())); }; void UserManagement::togglepass() { if ( passtoggle) passtoggle = false; else passtoggle = true; userpass1->SetPasswordEcho(passtoggle); } void UserManagement::applychanges() { QString user; QString password; QString user_e; user=userlist->getValue(); password=userpass1->getValue(); user_e = QRegExp::escape( user ); password = QRegExp::escape( password ); if ( ! user_valid_check (password)) { info->setValue(" Password contains invalid characters!"); return; } info->setValue(" Password has been changed for user: " + user ); QString cmdtxt; cmdtxt="sudo "; cmdtxt.append("myth_user_call -c pass -u " + user_e + " -p " + password ); myth_system(cmdtxt); } void UserManagement::userchanged() { info->setValue(" "); userpass1->setValue(""); } void UserManagement::usercreatepopup() { QString name; QString name_e; int key = 0; UseraddPopupResult result = AddUserPopup::showPopup( gContext->GetMainWindow(), tr(""), tr("Enter a new user account name"), name); if (result == UseraddPopup_CANCEL) return; //check if name exisit || add it if ( user_exisit_check(name) ) { info->setValue(name + " Already present"); userlist->setFocus(); key = Qt::Key_Down; QApplication::postEvent(gContext->GetMainWindow(), new ExternalKeycodeEvent(key)); return; } if ( ! user_valid_check (name)) { info->setValue(" Username contains invalid characters!"); return; } userlist->addSelection(name); userlist->setValue(name); //run program to add user right here QString cmdtxt; name_e = QRegExp::escape( name ); cmdtxt="sudo "; cmdtxt.append("myth_user_call -c add -u " + name_e ); myth_system(cmdtxt); info->setValue("Now enter a password for " + name + " and press the apply button."); //Set focus to userlist, then press down three times to set focus to the password box. userlist->setFocus(); key = Qt::Key_Down; QApplication::postEvent(gContext->GetMainWindow(), new ExternalKeycodeEvent(key)); key = Qt::Key_Down; QApplication::postEvent(gContext->GetMainWindow(), new ExternalKeycodeEvent(key)); key = Qt::Key_Down; QApplication::postEvent(gContext->GetMainWindow(), new ExternalKeycodeEvent(key)); } void UserManagement::userdeletepopup() { QString user; QString user_e; user=userlist->getValue(); QString message = user ; DialogCode value = MythPopupBox::Show2ButtonPopup( gContext->GetMainWindow(), "", message, tr("Remove this account"), tr("Do not remove this account"), kDialogCodeButton1); if (kDialogCodeButton0 == value) { info->setValue("removed account: " + user); if ( user == "root" || user == "mythtv" ) { info->setValue("Can not remove the account"); return; } userlist->setValue("root"); userlist->removeSelection(user); //run program to remove user QString cmdtxt; user_e = QRegExp::escape( user ); cmdtxt="sudo "; cmdtxt.append("myth_user_call -c delete -u " + user_e ); myth_system(cmdtxt); info->setValue("Removed account: " + user); } else info->setValue("Did not remove account: " + user); } WebPassword::WebPassword(): TriggeredConfigurationGroup(true,false,true,true,true,true,true,true) { webAuth = new HostCheckBox("HOSTwebauth"); webAuth->setLabel("Enable password"); webAuth->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Enable the use of password protection for the local website.")); webAuth->setValue(false); webuser = new HostLineEdit("Hostwebuser"); webuser->setLabel("Username"); webuser->setHelpText(QObject::tr("The following characters will not be accepted: " + invalid_chars)); webpassword = new HostLineEdit("Hostwebpassword"); webpassword->setLabel("Password"); webpassword->SetPasswordEcho(passtoggle); webpassword->setHelpText(QObject::tr("The following characters will not be accepted: " + invalid_chars)); webpassToggleButton = new TransButtonSetting; webpassToggleButton->setLabel("Toggle password view"); webpassToggleButton->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Hide or show the password")); webapplyButton = new TransButtonSetting; webapplyButton->setLabel("Apply new password"); info = new TransLabelSetting; info->setValue(""); connect(webpassToggleButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(togglepass())); connect(webapplyButton, SIGNAL(pressed()),this , SLOT(webpassword_gathersettings())); ConfigurationGroup* webpassgroup = new VerticalConfigurationGroup(false); webpassgroup->addChild(webuser); webpassgroup->addChild(webpassword); webpassgroup->addChild(info); webpassgroup->addChild(webpassToggleButton); webpassgroup->addChild(webapplyButton); addChild(webAuth); setTrigger(webAuth); addTarget("0", new VerticalConfigurationGroup(false, false)); addTarget("1", webpassgroup); } void WebPassword::togglepass() { if ( passtoggle) passtoggle = false; else passtoggle = true; webpassword->SetPasswordEcho(passtoggle); } bool WebPassword::valid_check(QString check_string) { // QString invalid_chars; QChar current_char; int upperlimit; int found_char; int i ; //invalid_chars = "&<>/~`;"; upperlimit = invalid_chars.length() -1 ; for(i= 0; i <= upperlimit; i++) { found_char = -1; current_char = invalid_chars.at(i); found_char = check_string.contains(current_char,FALSE); if ( found_char > 0 ) return FALSE; } return TRUE ; } void WebPassword::webpassword_gathersettings() { QString pass_enabled; QString web_user; QString web_pass; QString webuser_e; QString webpass_e; pass_enabled=webAuth->getValue(); web_user=webuser->getValue(); web_pass=webpassword->getValue(); webuser_e = QRegExp::escape( web_user ); webpass_e = QRegExp::escape( web_pass ); if ( ! valid_check (webuser_e)) { info->setValue(" Username contains invalid characters!"); return; } if ( ! valid_check (webpass_e)) { info->setValue(" Password contains invalid characters!"); return; } cout << "Running program to make the changes for web password" << endl; QString cmdtxt; cmdtxt="sudo "; cmdtxt.append("myth_user_call -c web -u " + webuser_e + " -p " + webpass_e ); myth_system(cmdtxt); info->setValue(" Changes applied"); } WebPasswordFrame::WebPasswordFrame(): VerticalConfigurationGroup() { WebPassword *webpassword = new WebPassword(); addChild(webpassword); }