# Number of servers to be started up by default NFSD_OPTS=8 # Options to pass to rpc.mountd # e.g. MOUNTDOPTS="-p 32767" MOUNTD_OPTS="--no-nfs-version 1 --no-nfs-version 2" # Options to pass to rpc.statd # N.B. statd normally runs on both client and server, and run-time # options should be specified accordingly. Specifically, the Arch # NFS init scripts require the --no-notify flag on the server, # but not on the client e.g. # STATD_OPTS="--no-notify -p 32765 -o 32766" -> server # STATD_OPTS="-p 32765 -o 32766" -> client STATD_OPTS="" # Options to pass to sm-notify # e.g. SMNOTIFY_OPTS="-p 32764" SMNOTIFY_OPTS=""