# Maintainer: Jan de Groot pkgname=pango pkgver=1.42.4 pkgrel=1 epoch=1 pkgdesc="A library for layout and rendering of text" url="https://www.pango.org/" arch=(x86_64) license=(LGPL) depends=(libthai cairo libxft harfbuzz fribidi) makedepends=(gobject-introspection help2man gtk-doc git meson) checkdepends=(ttf-dejavu cantarell-fonts) _commit=a6a89818246b0b14c0fe3d00d6120929fc0a11d9 # tags/1.42.4^0 source=("git+https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/pango.git#commit=$_commit") sha256sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd $pkgname git describe --tags | sed 's/-/+/g' } prepare() { cd $pkgname } build() { arch-meson $pkgname build -D enable_docs=true ninja -C build } check() { meson test -C build } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" meson install -C build rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/{lib,share}/installed-tests }