PKGBUILD: package_php: add deps 'php-gd' 'php-mcrypt' since we have them in php.ini PKGBUILD: package_php: comment out backup=('etc/php/php.ini') php.ini.patch: short_open_tags = On php.ini.patch: open_basedir commented out php.ini.patch: error_log = syslog uncommented php.ini.patch: max_input_vars = 3000 uncomment and change to 3000 php.ini.patch: ==> check and make sure these are uncommented: ==> "" ==> "" ==> "" ==> "" ==> "" ==> "" ==> "" ==> "" ==> "" PKGBUILD: add php.install: post_upgrade & post_install if [ -f /etc/systemconfig ] then . /etc/systemconfig if [ -f /etc/php/php.ini ] then sed -i 's|^.*date.timezone.*$|date.timezone='${timezone}'|' /etc/php/php.ini fi fi