#!/usr/bin/python2 import sys import cgi import os import socket import time import StringIO try: import cgitb cgitb.enable() except ImportError: sys.stderr = sys.stdout def cgiprint(inline=''): sys.stdout.write(inline) sys.stdout.write('\r\n') sys.stdout.flush() contentheader = 'Content-Type: text/html' def getform(theform, valuelist, notpresent='', nolist=False): """ This function, given a CGI form as a FieldStorage instance, extracts the data from it, based on valuelist passed in. Any non-present values are set to '' - although this can be changed. (e.g. to return None so you can test for missing keywords - where '' is a valid answer but to have the field missing isn't.) It also takes a keyword argument 'nolist'. If this is True list values only return their first value. """ data = {} for field in valuelist: if not theform.has_key(field): # if the field is not present (or was empty) data[field] = notpresent else: # the field is present #print type(theform[field]) if type(theform[field]) != type([]): # is it a list or a single item #print type(theform[field]) data[field] = theform[field].value else: if not nolist: # do we want a list ? data[field] = theform.getlist(field) else: data[field] = theform.getfirst(field) # just fetch the first item return data def getall(theform, nolist=False): """ Passed a form (cgi.FieldStorage instance) return *all* the values. This doesn't take into account multipart form data (file uploads). It also takes a keyword argument 'nolist'. If this is True list values only return their first value. """ data = {} for field in theform.keys(): # we can't just iterate over it, but must use the keys() method if type(theform[field]) == type([]): if not nolist: data[field] = theform.getlist(field) else: data[field] = theform.getfirst(field) else: data[field] = theform[field].value return data def isblank(indict): """ Passed an indict of values it checks if any of the values are set. Returns True if the indict is empty, else returns False. I use it on the a form processed with getform to tell if my CGI has been activated without any form values. """ for key in indict.keys(): if indict[key]: return False return True def go_backup(myhost): myhostname = socket.gethostname() results="Nothing happened" command= "sudo /usr/LH/bin/lh_system_backup_job" #print command command2="sleep 1; sudo -u nobody /home/xymon/server/ext/hbnotes.py" results=os.popen(command,'r') os.popen(command2,'r') return results def go_download_backup(dl_file): # Actual File Content will go hear. dlf = "/data/storage/disk0/backup/system_backups/%s" %dl_file fo = open(dlf, "rb") str = fo.read() fo.close() # HTTP Header print "Content-Type:application/octet-stream; name=\"%s\"\r\n;" %(dl_file) print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"\r\n;" %(dl_file) print "Content-Length: %d" % len(str) print "" print str return results def go_restore(restorefile,myhost,prestore): myhostname = socket.gethostname() psc = '' if prestore == "on": psc = "partial" if myhostname.strip() == myhost.strip(): command="sudo /usr/LH/bin/lh_system_restore_job %s %s" %(restorefile , psc) else: #this should never execute sshcmd="ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=1 -i /data/srv/.nobody_ssh/id_dsa mythtv@" sshcmd+=myhost.strip() cmd=' "sudo /usr/bin/restore_job.sh " ' command=sshcmd + cmd + restorefile + " 2>&1 " #print command results=os.popen(command,'r') return results def go_upload(up_file): saveDir = "/data/storage/disk0/backup/system_backups/" fPath = "%s/%s" % (saveDir, up_file.filename) buf = up_file.file.read() bytes = len(buf) sFile = open(fPath, 'wb') sFile.write(buf) sFile.close() results=["%s uploaded (%d bytes)." %(up_file.filename, bytes)] line = '''The backup has been uploaded and is now available for restore. To restore from the file, check "Restore database" then select the file from the drop down menu''' results.append(line) command2="sleep 1; sudo -u nobody /home/xymon/server/ext/hbnotes.py" os.popen(command2,'r') return results def go_optimize(myhost): #myhostname = socket.gethostname() #if myhostname.strip() == myhost.strip(): command="/usr/LH/bin/optimize_mythdb.py" #print command results=os.popen(command,'r') #else: #results='This host does not run a database' return results def go_update(myhost,update_type): cmd=" call pacman update_system " cmd+=update_type command="/usr/bin/func \"" + myhost.strip() + "*\" " + cmd #print command results=os.popen(command,'r') return results def go_updateall(allupdate_type): cmd=" sudo /usr/bin/update_system_all " cmd+=allupdate_type command= cmd + " 2>&1 " results=os.popen(command,'r') return results def go_shutdown(myhost): myhostname = socket.gethostname() message="Shutdown from MBE" command="/usr/bin/func \"" + myhost.strip() + "*\" call msg display \"%s\" " %message results=os.popen(command,'r') time.sleep(3) command="/usr/bin/func \"" + myhost.strip() + "*\" call power poweroff " results=os.popen(command,'r') return results def go_shutdownall(): import MySQLdb #import mysql #find all hosts(minus myself) #loop through results shutdown as we go. db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="mythtv", passwd="mythtv", db="mythconverg") # create a cursor cursor = db.cursor() # execute SQL statement myhostname = socket.gethostname() results=["Sent shutdown command to: \n "] cursor.execute("SELECT distinct(hostname) from settings where not hostname = %s ; ",(myhostname)) result = cursor.fetchall() for row in result: go_shutdown(row[0]) results.append(row[0]) #shutdown myself. #go_shutdown(myhostname) #results.append(myhostname) return results def go_reboot(myhost): myhostname = socket.gethostname() message="Reboot from MBE" command="/usr/bin/func \"" + myhost.strip() + "*\" call msg display \"%s\" " %message results=os.popen(command,'r') time.sleep(3) command="/usr/bin/func \"" + myhost.strip() + "*\" call power reboot " results=os.popen(command,'r') return results def go_wake(myhost): command="/usr/MythVantage/bin/wakeonlan.sh " + myhost.strip() results=os.popen(command,'r') return results def go_kill(myhost,kill_type): myhostname = socket.gethostname() cmd=" call fe_restart " cmd+=kill_type command="/usr/bin/func \"" + myhost.strip() + "*\" " + cmd results=os.popen(command,'r') return results def go_restart_mbe_local(): cmd = "/usr/LH/bin/lh_backend_control.sh restart &" #results=os.popen(cmd,'r') os.popen(cmd,'r') results = ["Attempting restart of backend service"] return results mainpage = '''