#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright 2007-2009 Robert ("Bob") Igo of StormLogic, LLC and mythic.tv. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. use Switch; use Tweaker::Script; package Tweaker::Script; # List all the options that this script supports. Make sure it matches what's in # the corresponding .tcf entry. set_known_options( 'low', 'medium', 'high' ); sub check_for_GL() { # ??? Need to make this update a class variable instead of a temp file. my $fps = execute_shell_command("[ -e /tmp/fps ] && cat /tmp/fps") || -1; # We think that any nVidia cards at or below NV25 are not well-supported # for GL. Newer cards are NV34 or above, or have a different starting letter. my $generation = execute_shell_command("lspci -v | grep \"nVidia Corporation\" | grep VGA | awk -FCorporation '{ print \$2 }' | awk '{ print \$1 }'"); my $letters = substr($generation,0,2); if (("$letters" eq "NV") && ("$generation" lt "NV24")) { $fps = 0; } if ($fps == -1) { my $result = execute_shell_command("glxinfo | grep 'direct rendering'"); if ($result =~ m/direct rendering: Yes/) { my $logger = get_logger('tweaker.script'); $logger->info("Hardware OpenGL rendering ability detected."); # Now poll the strength, returning the FPS from glxgears, run at the default resolution. # I would love to be able to poll this in a way that 1) doesn't pop up a GUI window and # 2) doesn't rely on manually making a database that maps video cards to performance levels. $result = execute_shell_command("script -q -c \"glxgears -fullscreen & sleep 11 ; pkill -15 glxgears\" | grep FPS | tail -1"); if ($result =~ m/ (\d+)\.\d+ FPS/) { $fps = $1; execute_shell_command("echo $fps > /tmp/fps"); } } else { $fps = 0; execute_shell_command("echo $fps > /tmp/fps"); } } return $fps; } # Try to implement the given option. sub implement_option { my($option) = @_; $dbconnectionstring = get_mythtv_connection_string(); if (connect_to_db("DBI:mysql:$dbconnectionstring")) { switch ($option) { # List all the options that this script supports. You can have as many as you like. case "low" { change_or_make_setting('ThemePainter', 'Qt') || exit -1; change_or_make_setting('SlideshowUseOpenGL', '0') || exit -1; change_or_make_setting('SlideshowOpenGLTransition', 'none') || exit -1; change_or_make_setting('SlideshowTransition', 'none') || exit -1; } case "medium" { change_or_make_setting('ThemePainter', 'Qt') || exit -1; change_or_make_setting('SlideshowUseOpenGL', '1') || exit -1; change_or_make_setting('SlideshowOpenGLTransition', 'random (gl)') || exit -1; change_or_make_setting('SlideshowTransition', 'random') || exit -1; } case "high" { change_or_make_setting('ThemePainter', 'opengl') || exit -1; change_or_make_setting('SlideshowUseOpenGL', '1') || exit -1; change_or_make_setting('SlideshowOpenGLTransition', 'random (gl)') || exit -1; change_or_make_setting('SlideshowTransition', 'random') || exit -1; } # In all cases, do the following: # enable anti-aliased fonts my $qtrc="/home/mythtv/.qt/qtrc"; # clean out old Xft settings my $command = "sed -i 's/.*Xft=.*//g' $qtrc"; if (my $error = execute_shell_command($command)) { my $logger = get_logger('tweaker.script'); $logger->error("ERROR: $error"); $logger->error("ERROR: Unable to implement option $option."); exit(-1); } else { # Add Xft settings my $command = "sed -i 's/embedFonts=true/embedFonts=true\nenableXft=true\nuseXft=true/g' $qtrc"; if (my $error = execute_shell_command($command)) { my $logger = get_logger('tweaker.script'); $logger->error("ERROR: $error"); $logger->error("ERROR: Unable to implement option $option."); exit(-1); } else { # Make sure to use an AA-capable font my $command = "sed -i 's/font=.*/font=Sans Serif,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0/g' $qtrc"; if (my $error = execute_shell_command($command)) { my $logger = get_logger('tweaker.script'); $logger->error("ERROR: $error"); $logger->error("ERROR: Unable to implement option $option."); exit(-1); } } } } } else { exit -1; } disconnect_from_db(); } # Poll the system to see what recommendationlevel the given option has on the system. sub poll_options { my($option) = @_; # These are somewhat arbitrary at this point. Note that they correspond to # _full screen_ glxgears results in Frames Per Second (FPS), since GL is used # at full screen resolution in MythTV. my $low_threshold = 350; # at or below $low_threshold FPS, GL is not considered good enough to use in MythTV my $medium_threshold = 425; # GL is pretty usable here my $high_threshold = 500; threshold_test($option, check_for_GL(), "video card", $low_threshold, $medium_threshold, $high_threshold); } # Unimplemented in 0.7 sub check_option { help; } # Unimplemented in 0.7 sub count_iterations { help; } process_parameters;