<!-- This is an example TCF.  See TCFProgrammingSpecifications.odt for details.
<tweak name = "Put a human-readable name for the tweak here.  Make sure it's unique."> <!-- REQUIRED //-->
  <description>Put a human-readable description of the tweak here.</description> <!-- OPTIONAL but usually a good idea, unless the user
										      will never see the description.
  <complexity>Put a complexity level here.</complexity> <!-- OPTIONAL human-readable assessment of how complex this Tweak is to understand.
							     A complete list of complexity levels is listed in tweaker-core.tcf
  <script>twk_EXAMPLE.pl</script> <!-- REQUIRED: An executable script in the $PATH of the shell that invoked Tweaker.
				       For consistency, adhere to the naming convention by beginning the script name with
				       'twk_'.  You can make the tweaker script in any language you wish, but Perl is
				       supported well.
  <alwaysaskuser>boolean</alwaysaskuser> <!-- OPTIONAL field with values: yes, no - not used in Tweaker v0.7
  <options> <!-- REQUIRED //-->
    <option name = "Human-readable name for this option"> <!-- REQUIRED: Option names must match those handled in the
							       corresponding tweaker script.
      <description>Human-readable description of what this option does.</description> <!-- OPTIONAL //-->
      <complexity>Put a complexity level here.</complexity> <!-- OPTIONAL human-readable assessment of how complex this Tweak is to
								 understand.  A complete list of complexity levels is listed in
      <recommendationlevel>recommendationlevel</recommendationlevel> <!-- OPTIONAL human-readable recommendation level for this tweak.
									  If this field is absent, the script will be run to acquire
									  the recommendationlevel.  The default recommendationlevel
									  is $optional if it cannot otherwise be determined.  For a
									  complete list of recommendation levels, see Tweaker/Definitions.pm
    <!-- Put any additional options here.  If you only have one option and it ends up with a recommendationlevel at or above $optional,
	 it will be selected automatically.  Otherwise, the option with the highest recommendationlevel above $optional will be selected.
<!-- Put any additional tweaks here. //-->