#!/bin/bash #This script should be used to update from R8.1 to R8.2 ONLY # #touch /bin/this_should_stop_it echo "" echo "About to update the OS to LinHES 8.2" echo "This process will only work if currently running LinHES 8.1 or later" echo "* Please respond with Y to all the yes/no questions" echo "* Answer Y to remove sysvinit" echo "* If prompted about libgl, select the gl that is appropiate for your system" echo "" echo "Press Y to continue, any other key to stop" read a if [ x$a != "xY" ] then echo " Y NOT selected, exiting" exit 3 fi echo "Downloading filesystem and glibc for later use, please wait" curl -o filesystem-itermediate.pkg.tar.xz http://linhes.org/repo/x86_64/filesystem-itermediate.pkg.tar.xz rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ] then echo "Couldn't download filesystem pkg" exit 1 else echo "Filesystem pkg downloaded" fi curl -o glibc-2.18-11-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz http://linhes.org/repo/x86_64/core-testing/glibc-2.18-11-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ] then echo "Couldn't download glibc pkg" exit 1 else echo "glibc pkg downloaded" fi pacman -Sy --noconfirm tdb echo "Removing select symlinks and files not in poweroff-scripts package " rm -f /usr/lib/libtalloc.so.1 rm -f /usr/lib/libtalloc.so.2 rm -f /usr/sbin/re* rm -f /usr/sbin/pow* rm -f /usr/sbin/hal* rm -f /sbin/re* rm -f /sbin/pow* rm -f /sbin/hal* pacman -Syu --ignore filesystem,bash,glibc pacman -R tcp_wrappers --noconfirm pacman -S bash --noconfirm pacman -U ./glibc-2.18-11-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz ./filesystem-itermediate.pkg.tar.xz --noconfirm rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ] then echo "Filesystem update was unable to install" echo "Please check /bin /usr/sbin /sbin " echo "for packages that need to be updated" exit 2 fi pacman -Su if [ -e /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules ] then rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules fi ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules pacman -S linux --noconfirm pacman -S filesystem --noconfirm rc=$? if [ $rc != 0 ] then echo "Filesystem update was unable to install" echo "Please check /bin /usr/sbin /sbin " echo "for packages that need to be updated" exit 2 else echo "New filesystem in place" echo "upgrade was a success" echo "please reboot" fi