--- xymonserver.cfg.orig	2015-03-04 21:28:58.618598840 +0000
+++ xymonserver.cfg	2015-03-04 21:31:55.352569106 +0000
@@ -145,6 +145,12 @@
 RRDWIDTH="576"		# The RRD's contain 576 data points, so this is a good value
 # TEST2RRD defines the status- and data-messages you want to collect RRD data
 # about. You will normally not need to modify this, unless you have added a
 # script to pick up RRD data from custom tests (the xymond_rrd --extra-script
@@ -156,11 +162,13 @@
 # This is also used by the svcstatus.cgi script to determine if the detailed
 # status view of a test should include a graph.
 # This defines which RRD files to include on the "trends" column webpage,
 # and the order in which they appear.
 # These two settings can be used to restrict what filesystems are being
 # tracked (i.e. have their utilisation graphed) by Xymon.