Index: browser/components/shell/src/nsGNOMEShellService.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/browser/components/shell/src/nsGNOMEShellService.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -d -u -p -U 8 -r1.21 nsGNOMEShellService.cpp
--- browser/components/shell/src/nsGNOMEShellService.cpp	1 Oct 2007 18:25:26 -0000	1.21
+++ browser/components/shell/src/nsGNOMEShellService.cpp	15 Mar 2008 07:08:47 -0000
@@ -58,16 +58,17 @@
 #include "nsIImage.h"
 #include "prprf.h"
 #include "nsIImageToPixbuf.h"
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gdk/gdk.h>
 #include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 struct ProtocolAssociation
   const char *name;
   PRBool essential;
@@ -442,117 +443,56 @@ nsGNOMEShellService::SetDesktopBackgroun
   gconf->SetString(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(kDesktopImageKey), filePath);
   gconf->SetBool(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(kDesktopDrawBGKey), PR_TRUE);
   return rv;
-// In: pointer to two characters CC
-// Out: parsed color number
-static PRUint8
-HexToNum(char ch)
-  if ('0' <= ch && '9' >= ch)
-    return ch - '0';
-  if ('A' <= ch && 'F' >= ch)
-    return ch - 'A';
-  if ('a' <= ch && 'f' >= ch)
-    return ch - 'a';
-  return 0;
-// In: 3 or 6-character RRGGBB hex string
-// Out: component colors
-static PRBool
-HexToRGB(const nsCString& aColorSpec,
-         PRUint8 &aRed,
-         PRUint8 &aGreen,
-         PRUint8 &aBlue)
-  const char *buf = aColorSpec.get();
-  if (aColorSpec.Length() == 6) {
-    aRed =    HexToNum(buf[0]) >> 4 |
-              HexToNum(buf[1]);
-    aGreen =  HexToNum(buf[2]) >> 4 |
-              HexToNum(buf[3]);
-    aBlue =   HexToNum(buf[4]) >> 4 |
-              HexToNum(buf[5]);
-    return PR_TRUE;
-  }
-  if (aColorSpec.Length() == 3) {
-    aRed = HexToNum(buf[0]);
-    aGreen = HexToNum(buf[1]);
-    aBlue = HexToNum(buf[2]);
-    aRed |= aRed >> 4;
-    aGreen |= aGreen >> 4;
-    aBlue |= aBlue >> 4;
-    return PR_TRUE;
-  }
-  return PR_FALSE;
+#define COLOR_16_TO_8_BIT(_c) ((_c) >> 8)
+#define COLOR_8_TO_16_BIT(_c) ((_c) << 8)
 nsGNOMEShellService::GetDesktopBackgroundColor(PRUint32 *aColor)
   nsCOMPtr<nsIGConfService> gconf = do_GetService(NS_GCONFSERVICE_CONTRACTID);
   nsCAutoString background;
   gconf->GetString(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(kDesktopColorKey), background);
   if (background.IsEmpty()) {
     *aColor = 0;
     return NS_OK;
-  // Chop off the leading '#' character
-  background.Cut(0, 1);
+  GdkColor color;
+  gboolean success = gdk_color_parse(background.get(), &color);
-  PRUint8 red, green, blue;
-  if (!HexToRGB(background, red, green, blue))
-      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  // The result must be in RGB order with the high 8 bits zero.
-  *aColor = (red << 16 | green << 8  | blue);
+  *aColor = COLOR_16_TO_8_BIT( << 16 |
+            COLOR_16_TO_8_BIT( << 8 |
+            COLOR_16_TO_8_BIT(;
   return NS_OK;
-static void
-ColorToHex(PRUint32 aColor, nsCString& aResult)
-  char *buf = aResult.BeginWriting(7);
-  if (!buf)
-    return;
-  PRUint8 red = (aColor >> 16);
-  PRUint8 green = (aColor >> 8) & 0xff;
-  PRUint8 blue = aColor & 0xff;
-  PR_snprintf(buf, 8, "#%02x%02x%02x", red, green, blue);
 nsGNOMEShellService::SetDesktopBackgroundColor(PRUint32 aColor)
   nsCOMPtr<nsIGConfService> gconf = do_GetService(NS_GCONFSERVICE_CONTRACTID);
-  nsCString colorString;
-  ColorToHex(aColor, colorString);
+  GdkColor color;
+ = COLOR_8_TO_16_BIT(aColor >> 16);
+ = COLOR_8_TO_16_BIT((aColor >> 8) & 0xff);
+ = COLOR_8_TO_16_BIT(aColor & 0xff);
-  gconf->SetString(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(kDesktopColorKey), colorString);
+  gchar *colorString = gdk_color_to_string(&color);
+  gconf->SetString(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(kDesktopColorKey), nsDependentCString(colorString));
+  g_free (colorString);
   return NS_OK;
 nsGNOMEShellService::OpenApplication(PRInt32 aApplication)
   nsCAutoString scheme;