# Contributors : Richard Atkinson atkinsonr-at-gmail 
#                Ralf Barth <archlinux dot org at haggy dot org>
# Original credits go to Edgar Hucek <gimli at dark-green dot com>
# for his xbmc-vdpau-vdr PKGBUILD at https://archvdr.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/archvdr/trunk/archvdr/xbmc-vdpau-vdr/PKGBUILD

pkgdesc="XBMC Media Center from SVN (linuxport branch)"
conflicts=('xbmc' 'xbmc-smoothvideo' 'xbmc-vdpau')
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
license=('GPL' 'LGPL')
depends=('alsa-lib' 'curl' 'enca' 'faac' 'freetype2' 'fribidi' 'gawk' 'glew'
         'hal' 'jasper' 'libgl' 'libjpeg>=6b-5' 'libmad' 'libmysqlclient'
         'libxinerama' 'libxrandr' 'lzo2' 'sdl_image' 'sdl_mixer' 'sqlite3'
         'tre' 'unzip' 'libcdio' 'libsamplerate' 'python' 'avahi' 'libmad' 
         'a52dec' 'libdca' 'faad2' 'libmpeg2' 'libvorbis' 'libogg' 'libmms'
         'libmpcdec' 'flac' 'wavpack' 'xorg-utils')
makedepends=('subversion' 'autoconf' 'automake' 'boost' 'cmake' 'gcc' 'gperf' 
             'libtool>=2.2.6a-1' 'make' 'nasm' 'patch' 'pkgconfig' 'zip' 'flex' 'bison')
optdepends=('lirc: remote controller support'
            'pmount: mount removable devices as normal user'
            'smbclient: access windows shares'
            'unrar: access compressed files without unpacking them')


build() {


    cd ${srcdir}/
    if [ -d $_svnmod/.svn ]; then
        msg "SVN tree found, reverting changes and updating to -r$pkgver"
        (cd $_svnmod && svn revert -R . && svn up -r $pkgver) || return 1
        msg "Checking out SVN tree of -r$pkgver"
        svn co $_svntrunk --config-dir ./ -r $pkgver $_svnmod || return 1

    # Apply patches
    cd "$srcdir/$_svnmod"

    # Arch's libcurl lives in /usr/lib, not /usr/lib64 - fix the path:
    msg "Patching with libcurl-not-in-lib64.patch" 
    patch -p0 < "$srcdir/libcurl-not-in-lib64.patch" || return 1

    # Goom also needs a fixup due to newer autotools
    cd "$srcdir/$_svnmod/xbmc/visualizations/Goom/goom2k4-0"
    libtoolize --copy --force
    ./autogen.sh --enable-static --with-pic

    cd "$srcdir/$_svnmod"

    # Configure XBMC
    # Note on external-libs:
    #   - We cannot use external python because Arch's python was built with
    #     UCS2 unicode support, whereas xbmc expects UCS4 support
    #   - We cannot use external ffmpeg as we would loose VDPAU functionality
    #     because Arch's ffmpeg package does not support VDPAU
    #   - We don't want to rely on AUR packages, so we also don't use libass
    #     as long as it's in AUR
    msg "Configuring XBMC" 
    make clean
    ./configure --prefix=${_prefix} \
                --enable-external-libmad \
                --enable-external-liba52 \
                --enable-external-libdts \
                --enable-external-libfaad \
                --enable-external-libmpeg2 \
                --enable-external-libvorbis \
                --enable-external-libogg \
                --enable-external-libmpcdec \
                --enable-external-libflac \
                --enable-external-libwavpack \
                --disable-external-libass \
                --disable-external-python \
                --disable-external-ffmpeg \
		--disable-pulse \
                --disable-debug || return 1
    # Fix false negative detections of realloc that happens some times
    msg "Fixing false negative detections of realloc" 
    if grep -q 'HAVE_REALLOC 0' config.h; then
      sed -e 's|#define HAVE_REALLOC 0|#define HAVE_REALLOC 1|' \
          -e 's|#define realloc rpl_realloc|/* #define realloc rpl_realloc */|' \
          -i config.h || return 1

    # XBMCTex will segfault on systems with nvidia installed if linked to OpenGL
    msg "Fixing XBMCTex on systems using the nvidia driver blob" 
    sed -e 's/-lGLU -lGLEW -lGL//' \
        -i ${srcdir}/$_svnmod/tools/XBMCTex/Makefile

    # Now (finally) build
    msg "Running make" 
    make || return 1
    msg "Running make install" 
    make prefix=${pkgdir}${_prefix} install || return 1

    # Install 
    install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/$_svnmod/xbmc-xrandr \
                   ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/xbmc/xbmc-xrandr || return 1

    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/$_svnmod/tools/Linux/xbmc.desktop \
                   ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/applications/xbmc.desktop || return 1

    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/$_svnmod/tools/Linux/xbmc.png \
                   ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/pixmaps/xbmc.png || return 1

    install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/$_svnmod/tools/XBMCTex/XBMCTex \
                   ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/xbmc/tools/xbmctex || return 1

    # Skins often use build.sh that looks for /usr/bin/XBMCTex
    ln -s "${_prefix}/share/xbmc/tools/xbmctex" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/XBMCTex"

    install -dm755 ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/licenses/${pkgname}
    for licensef in LICENSE.GPL README.linux copying.txt; do
        mv ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/xbmc/${licensef} \
           ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/licenses/${pkgname} || return 1

    # Use custom Lircmap to support StreamZap remote
    cp ${srcdir}/Lircmap.xml ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/xbmc/system/Lircmap.xml