post_install() {
    . /$MYTHHOME/.mythtv/mysql.txt
    # Enable the Network Remote Control Interface for use with the wiimote.
    # Get local machine's hostname
      HOST=`cat /etc/hostname`
    # Update mysql for Network Remote Control Support
      mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv --host=${DBHostName} mythconverg -e \
        "UPDATE settings SET data = '1' WHERE value = 'NetworkControlEnabled' AND hostname = '${HOST}'";
      echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
      echo " expects the Network Control Port to be set to"
      echo "mythtv's default port of 6546.  It will not work if you have"
      echo "changed it to something else."
      echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
    # Add to ~/mythtv/.fluxbox/apps before LinHES-run
      sed -i '/LinHES-run/ i [startup] {/usr/bin/ >/dev/null}' /$MYTHHOME/.fluxbox/apps
    # udev needs to pick up our new rule for the mythpywii.
      udevadm trigger --subsystem-match="misc" --subsystem-match="bluetooth"
    # Add the uinput module
      modprobe uinput
    # Ensure this module is loaded across reboots
      echo "# uinput is needed by mythpywii" >> /etc/modules.mythvantage
      echo "uinput" >> /etc/modules.mythvantage
    # Bring up the bluetooth interface -- udev will do this after reboot
      /usr/sbin/hciconfig hci0 up
    # Punting on the multiple bluetooth adapter question.
      echo "It is assumed your bluetooth adapter will be hci0."
      echo "If you have more than one bluetooth adapter, you"
      echo "may need to edit /etc/udev/rules.d/z90-wiimote.rules"
    echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
    # Unfortunately there does not seem to be a way to do this without
    # the user manually intervening.
    echo "To use your wiimote you will need to restart the frontend service."
    echo "$ sudo sv restart frontend"
    echo "or simply reboot your machine."
    echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo "After frontend restart, you should now be able to pair your"
    echo "Wiimote with your bluetooth adapter by pressing 1 & 2 at the"
    echo "same time.  After a few seconds the wiimote should vibrate and the"
    echo "LEDs will show [ # . . # ] where # is on and . is off."
    echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo "See /usr/share/docs/mythpywii/CONTROLS for more information."
    echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"

post_remove() {
    . /$MYTHHOME/.mythtv/mysql.txt
    # kill
      WIIPID=`pidof -o %PPID /usr/bin/`
        [ -n "$WIIPID" ] && kill $WIIPID
    # Remove uinput
      sed -i '/uinput/d' /etc/modules.mythvantage
    # Remove line in .fluxbox/apps
      sed -i '/' /$MYTHHOME/.fluxbox/apps
    # Remove network remote control support
      mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv --host=${DBHostName} mythconverg -e \
        "UPDATE settings SET data = '0' WHERE value = 'NetworkControlEnabled' AND hostname = '${HOST}'";

if [ x$MYTHHOME = x ]
   . /etc/profile.d/