--- mediaserv/mediaserv.orig	2009-06-15 03:16:53.000000000 +0000
+++ mediaserv/mediaserv	2009-06-15 03:17:29.000000000 +0000
@@ -608,10 +608,10 @@
 # daemonize - daemonize the parent/control app
 sub daemonize {
-    my $pid = fork;                              # Fork off the main process
-    defined ($pid) or die "Cannot start daemon: $!";
-    print "Parent daemon running.\n" if $pid;    # If we have a PID, the parent daemonized okay
-    exit if $pid;                                # Return control to the user
+#    my $pid = fork;                              # Fork off the main process
+#    defined ($pid) or die "Cannot start daemon: $!";
+    print "Parent daemon running.\n" ;    # If we have a PID, the parent daemonized okay
+#    exit if $pid;                                # Return control to the user
     # Now we're a daemonized parent process!