post_install() {
 echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
 echo 'NOTE that you will need a mono-font for this package to work.'
 echo 'There are many options here so I did not add one as a formal dep.'
 echo 'You may use for example terminus-font.  If your graphs have no numbers'
 echo 'go ahead and install it.  If they work as is you do not need it.'
 echo ' '
 echo 'Consider having your rrd databases for monitorix reside in RAM.'
 echo 'D/L and build the monitorix-tmpfs package from the AUR:'
 echo '  '
 echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'

post_remove() {
 echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
 echo 'To remove all traces of monitorix from your system, you must manually'
 echo 'remove the following dir trees (doing so will delete your databases):'
 echo '/var/lib/monitorix'
 echo '/srv/http/monitorix'
 echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'

# $1: The new package version
# $2: The old package version

post_upgrade() {
NEW=`echo $1 | cut -f-1 -d '-'`
OLD=`echo $2 | cut -f-1 -d '-'`

# if running the 1.4.2 series then display warning message

if [ "$OLD" = "1.4.2" ]; then
 echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
 echo ' WARNING:'
 echo 'With this upgrade you MUST replace your current version of'
 echo '/etc/monitorix.conf with /etc/monitorix.conf.pacnew which contains new'
 echo 'configs needed by the 1.5.0 release of monitorix.'
 echo 'Simply do the following:'
 echo '# cp /etc/monitorix.conf /etc/monitorix.conf.old'
 echo '# mv /etc/monitorix.conf.pacnew /etc/monitorix.conf'
 echo 'Now you can compare your old config saved as /etc/monitorix.conf.old'
 echo 'to your new config to ensure that you get all your config options into'
 echo 'the new version.'
 echo 'Restart monitorix when you have completed the edit as well:'
 echo '# /etc/rc.d/monitorix restart'
 echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------'