 *  Copyright (C) 2007 Ben Leto <undertoe@chemlab.org>
 *  Description: Apple Trailer Grabber for mythtv
 *  Version 0.4.3
 *  Apple Trailer Grabber is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  Apple Trailer Grabber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  Usage: read the INSTALL file
 *  	Setup as a cron script to run as frequently as you want


// command to use when streaming content from the internet - cache 50% before displaying and use 32MB of memory
$STREAMING_EXEC_CMD	= 'loading.sh &amp; mplayer-wrapper.pl -fs -zoom -user-agent "QuickTime/7.6.2" -cache 16000';
$APPLE_FEED = 'https://trailers.apple.com/trailers/home/xml/current.xml';
// Shouldn't Need To modify anything beyond here




// Function:  returns null | init_main ()
// Description: Outputs Apple Trailer XML feed to watchable movie urls in MythTV menu XML format
function init_main()

	print "<mythmenu name=\"TRAILERS\">\n";

		//Gather Array of Current Movie Trailers
		//XML Data
		$xml_data = url_to_string(XMLFEED);
		//Creating Instance of the Class
		$xmlObj    = new XmlToArray($xml_data);
		$arrayData = $xmlObj->createArray();

		foreach($arrayData['records']['movieinfo'] as $Row){

			$MovieTitle = $Row['info'][0]['title'];
			$MovieLink = $Row['preview'][0]['large'];
	        $MovieLink = preg_replace("/http:\/\//i", "https://", $MovieLink); //change http:// to https://
			$VideoPlayCMD = PLAYERCMD . ' ' . $MovieLink;

				$MovieTitle = $MovieTitle . '*VIDEO ERROR*';
				$VideoPlayCMD = '';

			print "\t<button>\n";
			print "\t\t<type>VIDEO_BROWSER</type>\n";
			$MovieTitle = preg_replace('/ & /', ' &amp; ', $MovieTitle);
			print "\t\t<text>$MovieTitle</text>\n";
			print "\t\t<action>EXEC $VideoPlayCMD</action>\n";
			print "\t</button>\n\n";

			print "\t<button>\n";
			print "\t\t<type>VIDEO_BROWSER</type>\n";
			print "\t\t<text>Error Grabbing XML Feed</text>\n";
			print "\t\t<action></action>\n";
			print "\t</button>\n\n";
	print "</mythmenu>\n";

// Function:  returns boolean | valid_url ( var | url to check)
// Description: Checks to see if a url is a valid page
function valid_url($str)
	if(@fopen($str, "r")) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

// Function:  returns string | all elements of XML ( var | url to feed)
// Description: Converts each element in an XML feed to single line string
// Notes: must have 'allow_url_fopen = On' in php.ini
function url_to_string($url){
	$lines = file($url);
	foreach ($lines as $line) {
		$lineR = trim($line);
	$lineR = preg_replace("/<" . "large" . "[^>]*>/i", "<large>", $lineR); //hack for apple goofy xml
	return $lineR;

// Class:  returns (~) x array | elements of XML ( var | XML in string)
// Description: Converts each element in an XML feed to an Array
class XmlToArray
    var $xml='';
    * Default Constructor
    * @param $xml = xml data
    * @return none
    function XmlToArray($xml)
       $this->xml = $xml;
    * _struct_to_array($values, &$i)
    * This is adds the contents of the return xml into the array for easier processing.
    * Recursive, Static
    * @access    private
    * @param    array  $values this is the xml data in an array
    * @param    int    $i  this is the current location in the array
    * @return    Array

    function _struct_to_array($values, &$i)
        $child = array();
        if (isset($values[$i]['value'])) array_push($child, $values[$i]['value']);

        while ($i++ < count($values)) {
            switch ($values[$i]['type']) {
                case 'cdata':
                array_push($child, $values[$i]['value']);

                case 'complete':
                    $name = $values[$i]['tag'];
                    $child[$name]= ($values[$i]['value'])?($values[$i]['value']):'';
                    if(isset($values[$i]['attributes'])) {
                        $child[$name] = $values[$i]['attributes'];

                case 'open':
                    $name = $values[$i]['tag'];
                    $size = isset($child[$name]) ? sizeof($child[$name]) : 0;
                    $child[$name][$size] = $this->_struct_to_array($values, $i);

                case 'close':
                return $child;
        return $child;

    * createArray($data)
    * This is adds the contents of the return xml into the array for easier processing.
    * @access    public
    * @param    string    $data this is the string of the xml data
    * @return    Array
    function createArray()
        $xml    = $this->xml;
        $values = array();
        $index  = array();
        $array  = array();
        $parser = xml_parser_create();
        xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
        xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
        xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $xml, $values, $index);
        $i = 0;
        $name = $values[$i]['tag'];
        $array[$name] = isset($values[$i]['attributes']) ? $values[$i]['attributes'] : '';
        $array[$name] = $this->_struct_to_array($values, $i);
        return $array;
