# arg 1:  the new package version
post_install() {
	mysql -u root mythconverg < /usr/share/mythtv/mythexport.sql
	ln -s /usr/share/mythtv/mythexport /data/srv/httpd/htdocs/
	ln -s /myth/archive /usr/share/mythtv/mythexport/video

  COUNT=`grep -c "include \"/etc/mythexport/mythexport.lighttpd.include\"" /etc/lighttpd/conf.include`

  if [ $COUNT == 0 ] ; then
    echo "==> Adding mythexport.lighttpd.include to conf.include"
    echo "include \"/etc/mythexport/mythexport.lighttpd.include\"" >> \

  echo ""
  echo "==> Forcing a re-read of lighttpd's configuration file."
  echo ""
    /sbin/sv hup /service/lighttpd

  echo ""
  echo "==> Add the mythexport service to start the mythexport daemon"
  echo "==> $ sudo add_service.sh mythexport"
  echo ""

  echo ""
  echo "==> For move information on setup and configuration:"
  echo "==> http://www.linhes.org/bugs/projects/linhes/wiki/HOWTO_Setup_MythExport_for_iPod"
  echo ""


post_upgrade() {

  COUNT=`grep -c "include \"/etc/mythexport/mythexport.lighttpd.include\"" /etc/lighttpd/conf.include`

  if [ $COUNT == 0 ] ; then
    echo "==> Adding mythexport.lighttpd.include to conf.include"
    echo "include \"/etc/mythexport/mythexport.lighttpd.include\"" >> \

  echo ""
  echo "==> Forcing a re-read of lighttpd's configuration file."
  echo ""
    /sbin/sv hup /service/lighttpd


pre_remove() {

  remove_service.sh mythexport


post_remove() {

  COUNT=`grep -c "include \"/etc/mythexport/mythexport.lighttpd.include\"" /etc/lighttpd/conf.include`

  if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ] ; then
    echo "==> Removing mythexport.lighttpd.include from conf.include"
    sed -e 's#include \"/etc/mythexport/mythexport.lighttpd.include\"##' -i \

  echo ""
  echo "==> Forcing re-read of lighttpd's configuration file."
  echo ""
    /sbin/sv hup /service/lighttpd

$op $*