post_install() { if [[ ! -d /data/storage/disk0/media/plex ]]; then install -dm 755 /data/storage/disk0/media/plex chown 421:421 -R /data/storage/disk0/media/plex fi if [[ ! -d /data/storage/disk0/media/plex/tmp ]]; then install -dm 755 /data/storage/disk0/media/plex/tmp chown 421:421 -R /data/storage/disk0/media/plex/tmp fi if [[ -n $(getent group 421) && $(getent group 421) != $(getent group plex) ]]; then echo "GID 421 is already assigned to the $(getent group 421 | cut -d':' -f1) group, cannot create the plex group." elif [[ -n $(getent passwd 421) && $(getent passwd 421) != $(getent passwd plex) ]]; then echo "UID 421 is already assigned to the $(getent passwd 421 | cut -d':' -f1) user, cannot create the plex user." else if [[ -n $(getent passwd plex) && $(getent passwd plex) != 'plex:x:421:421:Plex User:/data/storage/disk0/media/plex:/usr/bin/nologin' ]]; then echo "The plex user is outdated. It will be removed and recreated." if [[ -z $(pidof "Plex Media Server") ]]; then userdel plex chown 421:421 -R /data/storage/disk0/media/plex else echo "Unable to update the plex user. Please stop plexmediaserver.service and reinstall the package." fi fi if [[ -z $(getent group plex) ]]; then groupadd -g 421 plex fi if [[ -z $(getent passwd plex) ]]; then useradd -c 'Plex User' -u 421 -g plex -d /data/storage/disk0/media/plex -s /usr/bin/nologin plex fi passwd -l plex > /dev/null fi plexmediaserver } post_upgrade() { post_install if [[ $(vercmp $2) == '1' ]]; then echo "Plex' home is now located in '/var/lib/plex'. You will have to move the 'Plex Media Server' directory located in '/opt/plexmediserver/Library/Application Support' into the new home. Please refer to '' for detailed instructions." fi } post_remove() { plexmediaserver } # vim: ts=2 sw=2 et: