#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################ # Wrapper for imdb.pl tool for bulk movie metadata updates for mythdora # # # # 08/28/2007 # # Ryan Pisani # ################################################################################ #Parts of this were adopted from imdbbatchupdater.pl which in turn uses much # #of the original imdb.pl. This is a simpler wrapper to maintain and it utilizes# #the standard imdb.pl shipped with mythvideo. # ################################################################################ #version: 1.0 : Initial roll-out works with imdb.pl 1.3 # #version: 1.1 : Added some further error checking # #version: 1.2 : Added -Manual flag for manual entering of IMDBIDs # #version: 1.3 : Added -fileup metadata update for newly added/removed movies # #version: 1.4 : Duplicate menu will default to first entry in the returned # # list. # # Added -Exclude flag to mark any items with non-imdb match with # # a bogus imdb number to be skipped in later searches. # # Added -help for extended examples in usage # #version: 1.5 : Added -Folder flag to overide videopath for new video search # # Fixed hash sort of new files so that entries with more than 1 # # entry in the DB will not be "true" in new check. # # Fixed a bug in the newvideo find where multiples were added # # Fixed a bug in the newvideo find where multiples were added # #version:1.5.1: Added showlevel fix in -Fileup to fix incorrect default showlvl# #version: 1.6 : Found bug in -Title lookups where title was updated blank # ################################################################################ use strict; use DBI; use Getopt::Long; use File::Find; use File::Basename; use Sys::Hostname; #Set Global Path For Execution $ENV{PATH}="/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin"; #Defaults & global declarations here my $dbhost = ''; my $db = 'mythconverg'; my $dbuser = 'mythtv'; my $dbpass = 'mythtv'; my $imdbnum; #imdbnum set from imdb.pl my $movie; #movie title set from query my $intid; #incremental id for videometadata table my @FAILEDLOOKUP; #array to store failed lookups my $imdb= '/usr/local/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/imdb.pl'; my $posters; #coverart directory my $new; #-N flag my $all; #-A flag my $sqlstat; #used to store sql statments my $stitle; #grabbed from input for title search my $dup; #set if dupskip is on my $manual; #set if manual is on my $host = hostname; #the executing hosts machine name my $fileup; #set if fileup is on my $exclude; #set if exclude is on my $currentimdb; #dbs current imdb number before lookup is set my $help; #pass to usage if help flag i set for extended my $folder; #set if -Folder is set to overide DB for Videopath my $title; #Global Title to carry GetOptions("Posters=s"=>\$posters, "A"=>\$all, "N"=>\$new, "Fileup"=>\$fileup, "help"=>\$help, "Exclude"=>\$exclude, "Manual"=>\$manual, "Dupskip"=>\$dup, "Title=s"=>\$stitle, "Folder=s"=>\$folder, "Host=s"=>\$dbhost, "User=s"=>\$dbuser, "Imdb=s"=>\$imdb, "Password=s"=>\$dbpass); if ( $help eq '1' ) { #Show extended usage usage($help); } #One quick sanity check here for anyone looking to -A and -Exclude together if ( $exclude eq '1' && $all eq '1' ) { print <); if ( "$choice" ne "go" ) { exit; } } #if the file update flag is set we'll update the db videometadata before continuing if ( $fileup eq '1' ) { findnewvids($folder); } #Now parse sql options in an order that we care about if ( $stitle ne "" ) { $sqlstat = "select inetref, filename, intid from videometadata where title like \"%$stitle%\""; } elsif ( $all eq '1') { $sqlstat = "select inetref, filename, intId from videometadata order by title"; } elsif ( $new eq '1' ) { $sqlstat = "select inetref, filename, intId, title from videometadata where inetref=\"00000000\" order by title"; } else { usage(); } #Check to see if posters have been defined if not grab from db if ( $posters eq "" ) { $posters=getposter(); } #Check for the posters directory & perms if ( ! -d "$posters" || ! -w "$posters" ) { die "\nError: $posters doesn't exist or is not writable\n\n"; } #Check for imdb.pl script or the one defined if ( ! -x "$imdb" ) { die "Error: $imdb.pl is not executable\n"; } #print "$sqlstat\n"; #Prepare the sql connection my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db:$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstat); $sth->execute || die "SQL statement failed"; while (my @row=$sth->fetchrow_array) { #Grab current imdb number in DB chomp($currentimdb = "$row[0]"); #Grab incremental id in DB for rewrite chomp($intid = "$row[2]"); lc($movie = `basename "$row[1]"`); #Grab file id in DB for search chomp($movie); #Grab title data chomp(my $title= "$row[3]"); sep(); #print "current:$currentimdb , intid:$intid, movie: $movie, title: $title\n"; #check to see if -Manual flag is set if ( $manual ne '1' ) { print "Searching for IMDB movieID for $movie\n"; chomp(($imdbnum)=(split /:/, `$imdb -M "$movie"`) [0] ); } else { print "Enter the IMDB movieID for $movie\n"; print "Enter the corresponding imdb number([Enter] to skip):"; chomp($imdbnum=); } #We'll check the imdb ids here. If they're longer than expected we assume #it to be more than one return if (length($imdbnum) > '8') { #Check the multiple entries and skip if flag is set if ($dup ne '1') { my @TITLES=`$imdb -M "$movie"`; print "More than one match for $movie exists at IMDB\n"; for (my $i=0;$i<=$#TITLES;$i++) { print "$i) $TITLES[$i]"; } print "Select a title ([0] Default, [x] to skip, [m] manual imdb number):"; chomp(my $choice=); #print "my choice $choice\n"; if ($choice eq "") { $choice="0"; chomp($imdbnum=(split /:/, $TITLES[$choice]) [0]); } elsif ($choice eq "x") { $imdbnum=""; push(@FAILEDLOOKUP, "$movie"); } elsif ($choice =~ /[0-9]/) { chomp($imdbnum=(split /:/, $TITLES[$choice]) [0]); #print $imdbnum; } elsif ($choice eq "m") { print "Enter IMDB number: "; chomp($imdbnum=); } else { die "Not a valid selection\n"; } } else { $imdbnum=""; push(@FAILEDLOOKUP, "$movie"); } } #Else check for failed lookups and -Exclude flag elsif ( "$imdbnum" eq "" && "$exclude" eq "1" && "$currentimdb" eq "00000000" ) { #We set a new bogus one to be ignored in later -N searches $imdbnum="99999999"; push(@FAILEDLOOKUP, "$movie"); } #Log the failed lookups here for later elsif ( "$imdbnum" eq "" ) { push(@FAILEDLOOKUP, "$movie"); #print $#FAILEDLOOKUP; } #now check for imdbnumber from query if ( "$imdbnum" ne "" ) { my $coverfile; my $year; my $director; my $plot; my $userrating; my $rating; my $time; #If bogus is set do this first if ("$imdbnum" eq "99999999") { $coverfile="No Cover"; $year="1895"; $director="Unknown"; $plot="Unknown"; $userrating="0"; $rating="NR"; $time="0"; } else { #Now lets fine the cover image #print "Going to use $imdb -P $imdbnum\n"; chomp(my $cover=`$imdb -P "$imdbnum"`); #print "$cover"; if ($cover =~ /jpg/) { $coverfile="$posters/$imdbnum.jpg"; print "Retrieving $cover\n"; system("wget $cover -O $coverfile >/dev/null 2>&1"); } else { $coverfile="No Cover"; } #Now get the rest of the imdb data undef my @TEMPDATA; @TEMPDATA=`$imdb -D $imdbnum`; chomp(($title)=(split /Title:/, $TEMPDATA[0])[1]); $title=~s/"//g; chomp(($year)=(split /Year:/, $TEMPDATA[1])[1]); chomp(($director)=(split /Director:/, $TEMPDATA[2])[1]); chomp(($plot)=(split /Plot:/, $TEMPDATA[3])[1]); $plot=~s/"//g; chomp(($userrating)=(split /UserRating:/, $TEMPDATA[4])[1]); chomp(($rating)=(split /MovieRating:/, $TEMPDATA[5])[1]); chomp(($time)=(split /Runtime:/, $TEMPDATA[6])[1]); #print $#TEMPDATA; #print "$title\n $year\n $director\n $plot\n $userrating\n $rating\n $time\n"; } #Now let's write that data into the db print "Updating videometadata with new information\n"; my $sqlstat="update videometadata set title=\"$title\", year=\"$year\", director=\"$director\", plot=\"$plot\", userrating=\"$userrating\", coverfile=\"$coverfile\", rating=\"$rating\", length=\"$time\", inetref=\"$imdbnum\" where intid=\"$intid\""; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstat); $sth->execute || die "SQL statement failed\n"; } } if ( $#FAILEDLOOKUP >= 0 ) { print "\n\nThe following videos had imdb lookup errors:\n @FAILEDLOOKUP\n"; } sub usage { my $help=$_[0]; my $comm=basename($0); print <connect("dbi:mysql:$db:$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass") || die usage(); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstat); $sth->execute || die "SQL statement failed"; chomp(my $posters=$sth->fetchrow_array); return($posters); } #Routine to locate new & removed videos and update videometadata accordingly sub findnewvids { my $folder=$_[0]; my $videopath; sep(); if ( $folder eq "" ) { print "Retrieving Video Path for this $host from $db.settings\n"; #First get video directory path from settings database for exectuting host my $sqlstat="select data from settings where hostname=\'$host\' and value=\'VideoStartupDir\'"; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db:$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstat); $sth->execute || die "SQL statement failed"; chomp($videopath=$sth->fetchrow_array); } else { print "Setting Video Path with manual override to $folder\n"; chomp($videopath="$folder"); } sep(1); #Now let's get the ignored file types so that we can truly ignore any overrides print "Retrieving ignored files extensions from $db.videometadata\n"; $sqlstat = "select extension from videotypes where f_ignore=\"1\" order by extension"; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db:$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstat); $sth->execute || die "SQL statement failed"; my @ITYPES; #put the ignored extensions found in the DB into an array while (my @row=$sth->fetchrow_array) { push(@ITYPES,"@row"); } sep(1); #Now look at allowed extensions and create an array to use when finding files #We'll append these to a list of pre-defined ones below print "Retrieving allowable file extensions from $db.videometadata\n"; $sqlstat = "select extension from videotypes where f_ignore=\"0\" order by extension"; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db:$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstat); $sth->execute || die "SQL statement failed"; #Array of commonly allowed video extensions my @TYPES=(".wmv",".avi",".vob",".iso",".bin",".mpeg",".mpg",".mp4",".mov"); #put the extensions found in the DB into an array while (my @row=$sth->fetchrow_array) { if ( "@TYPES" !~ /@row/ ) { push(@TYPES,".@row"); } } my @FTYPES; #Pull any ignored extensions out of final file type search string foreach (@TYPES) { if ( "@ITYPES" !~ /$_/ ) { push(@FTYPES,"($_)\\Z|"); } } my $types=join"",@FTYPES; #Take the last | off of the search string chop($types); sep(1); #Search for all files that match our allow file extension patterns as defined in $types my @FILES; find (sub{ my $file=$File::Find::name ; if ( $file =~ /$types/i) { push(@FILES,"$file"); #print "$file\n"; } }, "$videopath"); @FILES=sort(@FILES); my $totalfiles="$#FILES" + 1; if ($totalfiles gt '1') { print "Found $totalfiles total videos in $videopath\n"; sep(1); } else { die "No video files were found in $videopath\n"; } #Now lets see what's in videometadata print "Retrieving a list of known videos from $db.videometadata\n"; sep(1); $sqlstat = "select filename from videometadata where filename like \"%$videopath%\" order by filename"; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db:$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstat); $sth->execute || die "SQL statement failed"; #put those extensions found in the DB into an array my @LISTINDB; while (my @row=$sth->fetchrow_array) { push(@LISTINDB,"@row"); } print "Scrubbing the database for any videos that no longer exist in $videopath\n"; my @FILESINDB; #Database entries with an actual file associated #Now scrub database entries for any files that are no longer present foreach (@LISTINDB) { if (! -e "$_") { print "\nRemoving entry for $_ from database\n"; $sqlstat = "delete from videometadata where filename=\"$_\""; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db:$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstat); $sth->execute || die "SQL statement failed"; } else { #Add to new scrubbed list push(@FILESINDB, "$_"); } } sep(); my %count =(); my @FILESDIFF; #Now well check to see what files differ between DB entries the Data foreach my $element (@FILESINDB, @FILES) { $count{$element}++; } foreach my $element (keys %count) { if ( $count{$element} < 2 ) { push(@FILESDIFF, $element); print "$element\n"; } } #Now we tell the user how many updates to be made my $totaldiff="$#FILESDIFF" + 1; if ($totaldiff gt '0') { print "Found a total of $totaldiff to be added to database\n"; sep (1); } else { print "Found no new videos to be added to database\n"; } #Now we need to grab just a title and populate the db with foreach (@FILESDIFF) { my $title=basename($_,@TYPES); print "\nAdding entry for $_ to $db.videometadata\n"; $sqlstat = "insert into videometadata (title,director,rating,inetref,coverfile,filename,showlevel) values(\"$title\",\"Unknown\",\"NR\",\"00000000\",\"No Cover\",\"$_\",\"1\");"; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db:$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstat); $sth->execute || die "SQL statement failed"; } #print "@FILESDIFF\n"; } #Prints a easy on the eye separator sub sep { if (defined $_[0]) { print "=============================================================================\n"; sleep $_[0]; } else { print "=============================================================================\n"; } }