
## Grabs status from SMART to see if your hard drives are ok
## Returns in the format of (return code, [line1, line2, line3,...])
## Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc
## Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com>
## This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
## general public license.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

# other modules
import sub_process

# our modules
from modules import func_module

# =================================

class power(func_module.FuncModule):
    def __init__(self):
        self.methods = {
            "poweroff"    : self.poweroff,
            "reboot"    : self.reboot,

    def poweroff(self,flags=""):
        Returns a struct of hardware information.  By default, this pulls down
        all of the devices.  If you don't care about them, set with_devices to

        flags.replace(";","") # prevent stupidity

        #cmd = sub_process.Popen("/sbin/poweroff %s" % flags,stdout=sub_process.PIPE,shell=True)
        cmd = sub_process.Popen("/sbin/poweroff")
        data = cmd.communicate()[0]

        results = ['poweroff']
        return (cmd.returncode, results)

    def reboot(self,flags=""):
	data = cmd.communicate()[0]
	results = ['rebooting']

        return (cmd.returncode, results)

methods = power()
register_rpc = methods.register_rpc