#!/bin/sh # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Darwin (Mac OS X) client for Hobbit # # # # Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Henrik Storner <henrik@hswn.dk> # # # # This program is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), # # version 2. See the file "COPYING" for details. # # # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # $Id: hobbitclient-darwin.sh,v 1.17 2006/07/05 05:52:22 henrik Rel $ echo "[date]" date echo "[uname]" uname -a echo "[uptime]" uptime echo "[who]" who echo "[df]" # The sed stuff is to make sure lines are not split into two. df -H -t nonfs,nullfs,cd9660,procfs,volfs,devfs,fdesc | sed -e '/^[^ ][^ ]*$/{ N s/[ ]*\n[ ]*/ / }' echo "[mount]" mount echo "[meminfo]" vm_stat echo "[ifconfig]" ifconfig -a echo "[route]" netstat -r echo "[netstat]" netstat -s echo "[ifstat]" netstat -ibn | egrep -v "^lo|<Link" echo "[ports]" netstat -an|grep "^tcp" echo "[ps]" ps -ax -ww -o pid,ppid,user,start,state,pri,pcpu,time,pmem,rss,vsz,command # $TOP must be set, the install utility should do that for us if it exists. if test "$TOP" != "" then if test -x "$TOP" then echo "[top]" $TOP -l 1 -n 20 fi fi exit