# Environment settings for the Hobbit client. BBDISP="" # IP address of the Hobbit server BBDISPLAYS="" # IP of multiple Hobbit servers. BBDISP must be "". CONFIGCLASS="$BBOSTYPE" # Default configuration class for logfiles PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/etc" # PATH setting for the client scripts. # You normally dont need to modify anything below here BBPORT="1984" # Portnumber where hobbitd listens BBHOME="$HOBBITCLIENTHOME" # Directory for the Hobbit client files BB="$BBHOME/bin/bb" # The Hobbit client "bb" utility BBTMP="$BBHOME/tmp" # Where we may store temporary files. BBCLIENTLOGS="$BBHOME/logs" # Where we store the client logfiles # The following defines a bunch of commands that BB extensions expect to be present. # Hobbit does not use them, but they are provided here so if you use BB extension # scripts, then they will hopefully run without having to do a lot of tweaking. UPTIME="/usr/bin/uptime" AWK="/bin/awk" CAT="/bin/cat" CP="/bin/cp" CUT="/bin/cut" DATE="/bin/date" EGREP="/bin/egrep" EXPR="/usr/bin/expr" FIND="/usr/bin/find" GREP="/bin/grep" HEAD="/usr/bin/head" ID="/usr/bin/id" LN="/bin/ln" LS="/bin/ls" MV="/bin/mv" RM="/bin/rm" SED="/bin/sed" SORT="/usr/bin/sort" TAIL="/usr/bin/tail" TOUCH="/bin/touch" TR="/bin/tr" UNIQ="/usr/bin/uniq" WHO="/usr/bin/who" TOP="/usr/bin/top" WC="/usr/bin/wc -l" WCC="/usr/bin/wc" # DF,DFCMD and PS are for compatibility only, NOT USED by the Hobbit client DF="/bin/df -Pk" DFCMD="/bin/df -Pk" PS="ps ax" MAXLINE="32768"