## ABSOLUTE path to the spawn-fcgi binary SPAWNFCGI="/usr/bin/spawn-fcgi" ## ABSOLUTE path to the PHP binary FCGIPROGRAM="/usr/bin/php-cgi" ## In preparation of a possible python/perl/etc compliance SPAWN_DAEMON_NAME="spawn-php" ## bind to tcp-port on localhost FCGIPORT="1066" ## If uncommented, socket will be used instead of port #FCGISOCKET="/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket" ## number of PHP childs to spawn PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=6 ## number of request server by a single php-process until is will be restarted PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS=1000 ## IP adresses where PHP should access server connections from FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS="" # allowed environment variables sperated by spaces ALLOWED_ENV="ORACLE_HOME PATH USER" ## if the daemon script is run as root switch to the following user USERID=nobody GROUPID=nobody ## cage the php process to the following dir (chrootdir) #CHROOTDIR="/home/lighttpd/html"