
# NOTE: Make sure to build and install mythtv first BEFORE building anything else
buildlist=('mythtv' 'mytharchive' 'mythbrowser' 'mythflix' 'mythgallery' 'mythgame' 'mythmovies' 'mythmusic' 'mythnews' 'mythvideo' 'mythweather' 'mythzoneminder' 'mythweb' 'myththemes' 'morethemes')
#buildlist=(mythtv-release-fixes Midnight-blue Midnight-wide MythVanage-mythmenu basic-amber basic-blue basic-green basic-purple basic-red  mytharchive mythbrowser mythcontrols mythflix mythgallery mythgame mythmovietime mythmusic mythnews mythphone mythsmolt mythtv-themes mythvideo mythweather mythweb syth-lacquer-clean syth-lacquer-wide)
buildlist=(Midnight-blue Midnight-wide MythVanage-mythmenu basic-amber basic-blue basic-green basic-purple basic-red  mytharchive mythbrowser mythcontrols mythflix mythgallery mythgame mythmovietime mythmusic mythnews mythphone mythsmolt mythtv-themes mythvideo mythweather mythweb syth-lacquer-wide)
# build and install
for i in `echo ${buildlist[@]:0}`
	echo "---------- building $i ----------"
	cd ./$i

	# set svn version in the PKGBUILD
	sed -i s/^pkgver=.*/pkgver=$pkgver/ PKGBUILD
	sed -i s/^pkgrel=.*/pkgrel=$pkgrel/ PKGBUILD

	# make the package
	mp -sr --noconfirm  -f -i --holdver || exit 1

	# clean up afterwards
	rm -rf pkg
	rm -f *~

	cd ..

echo ""
echo "DONE!"