#!/bin/sh #set -x # most of this program is taken from nciduser by Mace Moneta # requires festival: http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival # input is 4 lines obtained from ncid using the "-all" option # input: DATE\nTIME\nNUMBER\nNAME # ncid calls a external program with the "--call-prog" option # default program: /usr/share/ncid/ncid-page # # ncid usage examples: # ncid --all --call-prog # ncid --all --call-prog --program ncid-osd # ncid --no-gui --all --call-prog --program ncid-osd read CIDDATE read CIDTIME read CIDNMBR read CIDNAME #CIDNAME="test name" #CIDNMBR="(414) 282 5011" ConfigDir=/etc/ncid ConfigFile=$ConfigDir/ncidscript.conf info="$CIDNMBR $CIDNAME" osdClient.pl localhost 5000 "$info:::SYS" exit 0