# tcl/tk configuration file

# Directory NCID uses to find the helper scripts
set ProgDir     /usr/share/ncid

# default helper script
set EXTPROG     ncid-osd

# Set Host to the NCID server address
# Host defaults to
set Host
#set Host

# The NCID port default is 3333
set Port        3333

# If the connection to the server is lost,
# try every Delay seconds to reconnect
# The Default: 60
set Delay       20

# If set to 1, display raw data received from the NCID server
# If set to 0, do not display raw data received from the NCID server
# Default: 0
set Raw         0

# If set to 1, output: date time number name
# If set to 0, output: name number
# Default: 0
set All         1

# If set to 1, display formatted CID, and CID log file on connect
# If set to 0, ddo not isplay formatted CID, and CID log file on connect
# Default: 0
set Verbose     0

# If set to 1, display information in terminal progran or external program
# If set to 0, display information using a GUI
# Default: 0
set NoGUI       1

# output name and number to external program
# Default: 0
set Callprog    1

# ring number to call external program
# Default: 0
set CallOnRing  0

# external called program
set Program     [list $ProgDir/$EXTPROG]

# TiVo Flag: send output in format to use OUT2OSD
# Default: 0
set TivoFlag    0

# Message Flag: send messages to output modules
# Default: 0
set MsgFlag     0