# $Id: PKGBUILD 78487 2012-10-19 16:17:59Z jelle $ # Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase # Contributor: Thomas Dziedzic < gostrc at gmail > # Contributor: Laurent Carlier # Contributor: Allan McRae # Contributor: Zephyr pkgname=mupen64plus pkgver=1.99.5 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc='Nintendo64 Emulator' arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url='http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/' license=('GPL') depends=('glu' 'libgl' 'libsamplerate' 'libpng' 'sdl' 'freetype2') makedepends=('mesa') source=("http://mupen64plus.googlecode.com/files/mupen64plus-bundle-src-${pkgver}.tar.gz") md5sums=('93772a6d6fc6a63353462deae8a6db71') build() { cd mupen64plus-bundle-src-${pkgver} sh m64p_build.sh } package() { cd mupen64plus-bundle-src-$pkgver # set LDCONFIG since we are using fakeroot and scripts run root commands by checking the uid ./m64p_install.sh DESTDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX='/usr' MANDIR='/usr/share/man/man6' LDCONFIG='true' } # vim: ts=2:sw=2:et