#!/usr/bin/python #add_storage.py used to auto add new storage to MythTV storage groups #If it's a new disk it will erase the entire disk and reformat. # #Disks that are mounted, in fstab, size < 5000 bytes, optical or #have already been seen will not be presented as an option. # # Version 2.0.2 import dbus import pickle import subprocess import sys,os,re import random,string import configparser from configparser import ConfigParser import glob import logging from MythTV import MythDB, MythBE, Recorded, MythError from socket import timeout, gethostname storage_dir = "/etc/storage.d" pickle_file = "%s/storage.pkl" %storage_dir SG_MAP={ 'Default' :'media/tv/', 'LiveTV' :'media/tv/live/', 'DB Backups' :'backup/mythtv_backups/', 'Music' :'media/music/', 'Streaming' :'media/streaming/', 'Videos' :'media/video/', 'Photographs':'media/photos/', 'Banners' :'media/artwork/banners/', 'Coverart' :'media/artwork/coverart/', 'Fanart' :'media/artwork/fanart/', 'MusicArt' :'media/artwork/musicart/', 'Screenshots':'media/artwork/screenshots/', 'Trailers' :'media/artwork/trailers/', } FS_LIST=[] for key in list(SG_MAP.keys()): FS_LIST.append(SG_MAP[key]) class disk_device: def __init__(self,device,storage_dir): block_dev = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.UDisks2", device) self.block_path = block_dev.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Block', 'Device', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') self.block_path = bytearray(self.block_path).replace(b'\x00', b'').decode('utf-8') logging.info("Device: %s", self.block_path) self.read_only = self.get_is_readonly(block_dev) logging.info("ReadOnly: %s", self.read_only) self.device_file_path = self.get_device_file_path(block_dev) logging.info("Device File Path: %s", self.device_file_path) self.device_id = block_dev.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Block', 'Id', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') logging.info("Device Id: %s", self.device_id) self.is_device = self.get_is_device() logging.info("Is Device: %s", self.is_device) self.drive = block_dev.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Block', 'Drive', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') logging.info("Drive: %s", self.drive) drive_dev = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.UDisks2", self.drive) self.storage_dir = storage_dir self.top_mount_dir = "/data/storage" self.config = configparser.RawConfigParser() self.fs_map = self.get_fsmap() self.vendor = drive_dev.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Drive', 'Vendor', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') logging.info("Vendor: %s", self.vendor) self.model = drive_dev.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Drive', 'Model', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') logging.info("Model: %s", self.model) self.device_size = drive_dev.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Drive', 'Size', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') logging.info("Drive Size: %s", self.device_size) self.serial_number = self.get_serial_number(drive_dev) logging.info("Serial: %s", self.serial_number) self.is_optical = self.get_is_optical_disc(drive_dev) logging.info("Is Optical: %s", self.is_optical) self.mmount = False self.dir_sg = False try: self.f = block_dev.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Filesystem', 'MountPoints', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') self.is_mounted = True self.f[0] = bytearray(self.f[0]).replace(b'\x00', b'').decode('utf-8') logging.info("MountPoints: %s", self.f[0]) except: self.f = [''] self.is_mounted = False logging.info("MountPoints: %s", self.f[0]) logging.info("Is Mounted: %s", self.is_mounted) try: self.partition_size = block_dev.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Partition', 'Size', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') except: self.partition_size = 0 logging.info("Partition Size: %s", self.partition_size) self.set_partition("1") logging.info("Block Partition: %s", self.block_partition) self.in_use = self.get_in_use() logging.info("In Use: %s", self.in_use) self.uuid='' self.new_mount_point='' self.disk_num='' def set_partition(self,partition): if self.is_device: if 'nvme' in self.block_path: self.block_partition = "%sp%s" %(self.block_path,partition) else: self.block_partition = "%s%s" %(self.block_path,partition) else: self.block_partition = self.block_path def set_mmount(self,flag): self.mmount = flag def set_dir_sg(self,flag): self.dir_sg = flag def set_disk_num(self,num): self.disk_num=num def get_name(self): filename="%s_%s" %(self.model.replace(' ',''), self.serial_number.replace(' ','')) return filename def get_is_readonly(self,block_dev): readonly = block_dev.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Block', 'ReadOnly', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') if readonly == 0: return False else: return True def get_is_optical_disc(self,drive_dev): optical = drive_dev.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Drive', 'Optical', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') if optical == 0: return False else: return True def get_is_device(self): match = re.search(r'part\d+$', self.device_file_path) if match is None: return True else: return False def get_in_use(self): in_use = False for i in self.fs_map: if self.block_path in i[0]: in_use = True break return in_use def get_serial_number(self,drive_dev): serial_number = drive_dev.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Drive', 'Serial', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') random_string = os.urandom(5) if serial_number == '': serial_number = "".join( [random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(6)] ) serial_number = "NSW%s" %serial_number return serial_number def get_device_file_path(self,block_dev): paths = block_dev.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Block', 'Symlinks', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') try: for path in paths: path = bytearray(path).replace(b'\x00', b'').decode('utf-8') if path.startswith('/dev/disk/by-path'): return path except: path = "None" def partition_disk(self): print(" Creating new partition table") cmd = "parted -s -a optimal %s mklabel gpt" %self.block_path runcmd(cmd) cmd = "parted -s -a optimal %s mkpart primary \" 1 -1\"" %self.block_path runcmd(cmd) return def get_fsmap(self): fs_map=[] f = open('/proc/mounts','r') mounts=f.readlines() f.close() for line in mounts: temp_fs=[] split_line=line.split() block=split_line[0] mountp=split_line[1] fs=split_line[2] block=os.path.realpath(block) if block.startswith("/dev"): temp_fs.append(block) temp_fs.append(mountp) temp_fs.append(fs) fs_map.append(temp_fs) return fs_map def find_fstype(self,moutpoint): fstype="xfs" mp=['/myth', '/data/storage/disk0'] for i in self.fs_map: if i[1] in mp: fstype = i[2] break return fstype def lookup_format(self): fstab = self.read_fstab() current_media_mount = self.find_options_type(fstab)[1] new_fstype = self.find_fstype(current_media_mount) #setting self.new_fstype so that it can be referenced when setting fstab self.new_fstype = new_fstype return def format_disk(self): #lookup format #self.lookup_format() #do format if self.new_fstype == "xfs": cmd = "mkfs -t %s -f %s " %(self.new_fstype,self.block_partition) else: cmd = "mkfs -t %s %s " %(self.new_fstype,self.block_partition) print(" Formatting %s with %s" %(self.block_partition,self.new_fstype)) runcmd(cmd) return def find_uuid(self,partition): #logging.info("Finding the UUID for %s...", partition) cmd = "blkid -s UUID %s" %partition tmpuuid = runcmd(cmd)[1] splituuid = tmpuuid.partition("=") uuid = splituuid[2].replace('"', "") #logging.info("The uuid is %s", uuid) if uuid == '': print("Could not find a UUID for device: %s" %partition) sys.exit(1) self.uuid = uuid.strip() return uuid.strip() def read_fstab(self): f = open('/etc/fstab', 'r') fstab=f.readlines() f.close() return fstab def find_options_type(self,fstab): mp=['/myth', '/data/storage/disk0'] for i in fstab: split_line=i.split() try: if split_line[1] in mp: options = split_line[3] break else: options = "defaults" mount_point = i except: options = "defaults" return options,i def add_fstab(self): #new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', 'auto', 'defaults', '0', '1'] new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', self.new_fstype, 'defaults', '0', '1'] fstab=self.read_fstab() new_fstab=[] #determine mount_path self.new_mount_point="%s/%s_%s" %(self.top_mount_dir,self.model.replace(' ',''),self.serial_number.replace(' ','')) #check for old mount point and comment out for line in fstab: if not line.startswith("#"): if line.find(self.new_mount_point) > -1: print(" Found old mount %s in fstab, commenting out" %self.new_mount_point) line = "#"+line new_fstab.append(line) fstab=new_fstab #determine options #new_options = self.find_options_type(fstab)[0] new_options = "nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=1" #find blkid self.block_partition="%s1" %self.block_path uuid=self.find_uuid(self.block_partition) #construct new line new_fstab_list[0]="UUID=%s" %uuid new_fstab_list[1]=self.new_mount_point new_fstab_list[3]=new_options if self.new_fstype == "xfs": new_fstab_list[5]="0" new_fstab_line='\t'.join(new_fstab_list) new_fstab_line="%s\n" %new_fstab_line fstab.append(new_fstab_line) #add line to fstab f = open('/etc/fstab', 'w') for i in fstab: f.write(i) f.close() return def mount_disk(self,no_mount=False): try: os.stat(self.new_mount_point) except: os.makedirs(self.new_mount_point) if no_mount == False: if os.path.ismount(self.new_mount_point): print(" Disk already mounted, will not mount:\n %s" %self.new_mount_point) pass else: print(" Mounting %s" %self.new_mount_point) cmd = "mount %s" %self.new_mount_point runcmd(cmd) return def mkdirs(self,FS_LIST): print(" Creating directory structure:") print(" %s" %self.new_mount_point) for y in FS_LIST: print(" %s" %y) new_dir="%s/%s" %(self.new_mount_point,y) try: os.stat(new_dir) except: os.makedirs(new_dir) cmd="chown -R mythtv:mythtv /%s" %self.new_mount_point runcmd(cmd) cmd="chmod -R 775 /%s" %self.new_mount_point runcmd(cmd) def add_sg(self,DB,host,SG_MAP,weight='0',install_call=False): print(" Adding storage groups") sgweight=int(weight) for key in SG_MAP.keys(): #print key," : ", SG_MAP[key] gn=key hn=host dn="%s/%s" %(self.new_mount_point,SG_MAP[key]) #print dn #print gn #print hn if install_call == True : print("Will write SG for stuff after the fact") else: with DB as c: #delete old dir without trailing slash c.execute("""delete from storagegroup where groupname = %s and hostname = %s and dirname = %s""", (gn,hn,dn.rstrip('/'))) try: c.execute("""insert into storagegroup (groupname,hostname,dirname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(gn,hn,dn)) print(" Adding location: %s to storagegroup %s" %(dn,gn)) except: print(" *Error inserting %s into storage groups" %dn) if sgweight > 0: try: #("SGweightPerDir:server2:/mnt/video", 99, "server2"); sgw="SGweightPerDir:%s:%s" %(hn,dn) #print sgw #print sgweight #print hn #delete old dir without trailing slash c.execute("""delete from settings where value = %s and data = %s and hostname = %s""", (sgw.rstrip('/'),sgweight,hn)) c.execute("""insert into settings (value,data,hostname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(sgw,sgweight,hn)) print(" Adding storage group weight of %s for %s\n" %(sgweight,gn)) except: print(" *Error setting storage group weight %s for %s\n" %(sgweight,gn)) return def write_config(self): print(" Writing /etc/storage.d conf file") self.config.add_section('storage') self.config.set('storage','uuid',self.uuid) self.config.set('storage','mountpoint',self.new_mount_point) self.config.set('storage','fstype',self.new_fstype) self.config.set('storage','shareable','True') self.config.set('storage','mmount',self.mmount) self.config.set('storage','storage_groups',self.dir_sg) self.config.set('storage','disk_num',self.disk_num) filename="%s_%s.conf" %(self.model.replace(' ',''), self.serial_number.replace(' ','')) configfile="/etc/storage.d/%s" %filename print(" %s" %configfile) with open(configfile, 'w') as configfile: self.config.write(configfile) return def symlink_disk(self): print(" Creating symlink for disk%s" %self.disk_num) disk_ln="%s/disk%s" %(self.top_mount_dir,self.disk_num) cmd = "ln -s %s %s" %(self.new_mount_point,disk_ln) runcmd(cmd) #end of class def runcmd(cmd): if True : pass else: cmd = "echo "+cmd #print(cmd) cmdout = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) #logging.debug(" %s", cmdout) return cmdout def scan_system(): ud_manager_obj = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.UDisks2", "/org/freedesktop/UDisks2") ud_manager = dbus.Interface(ud_manager_obj, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager') current_drive_list=[] for dev in ud_manager.GetManagedObjects().items(): if dev[0].startswith("/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices"): logging.info(dev[0]) drive = disk_device(dev[0],storage_dir) if drive.is_device and drive.device_size > 5000 and not drive.is_optical : current_drive_list.append(drive) return current_drive_list def read_known_list(): #reading pickle file known_drive_list=[] try: pkl_file = open(pickle_file, 'rb') known_drive_list = pickle.load(pkl_file) pkl_file.close() except: pass return known_drive_list def write_known_drive_list(known_drive_list): output = open(pickle_file, 'wb') pickle.dump(known_drive_list, output, -1) output.close() def search_for_match(system_drive,known_drive_list): match_drive=False for y in known_drive_list: if system_drive.serial_number.startswith("NSW"): #print("Match_test: hash") system_drive_hash = "%s_%s_%s" %(system_drive.model,system_drive.partition_size,system_drive.device_file_path) y_drive_hash = "%s_%s_%s" %(y.model,y.partition_size,y.device_file_path) if system_drive_hash == y_drive_hash : match_drive = True print("\n* No serial number was found, matched using hash method: %s" %system_drive.model) break elif y.serial_number == system_drive.serial_number: #print("Match_test: serial number") match_drive=True break return match_drive def prompt_to_add(current_drive,destruction = True): loop = True if destruction : prompt = ''' ** Adding this disk will remove all contents on the disk. ** This disk will be partitioned and formatted. Enable this disk for storage (Y/N)?:''' else: prompt = ''' ** Preserving existing contents on the disk. ** This disk will NOT be partitioned or formatted. Enable this disk for storage (Y/N)?:''' while loop: str1 = input(prompt) if str1 in ['Y','N','y','n']: loop = False break print("\n") if str1 == 'Y' or str1 == 'y': rc = True else: rc = False return rc def prompt_to_continue(process_list): loop = True print("\n\n\n Ready to add additional storage!\n") if destruction: print("** WARNING: These disk(s) WILL be partitioned and formatted. **\n ** All content on these disk(s) will be erased. **") else: print(" ** These disk(s) will NOT be partitioned and formatted. **") for i in process_list: print(" %s" %(i.get_name())) str1 = input("\n Press Y to add disk(s), any other key to cancel:") if str1 == 'Y' or str1 == 'y': rc = True else: rc = False print("\nCancelled: No disk(s) added to your system.") print("-----") return rc def prompt_sg(dir_sg): #check for storage groups print("*" * 60) if dir_sg != True: loop = True prompt_string=''' MythTV storage groups are used for artwork, database backups, photos, music, streaming, TV recordings, and videos. The content on these storage groups will only be available while the system is online. Enabling MythTV storage groups will create the directories on the disk(s) and add the paths to the MythTV database. Enable MythTV storage groups (Y/N)?:''' while loop: str1 = input(prompt_string) if str1 in ['Y','N','y','n']: loop = False break print("\n") if str1 == 'Y' or str1 == 'y': dir_sg = True print(" ** Will add MythTV storage groups!") else: print(" ** Will NOT add MythTV storage groups!") dir_sg = False else: dir_sg = True print("\n --add_sg option used") print(" ** Will add MythTV storage groups!") return dir_sg def remove_pickle(): try: print("\n* Removing list of known disks.\n") os.remove(pickle_file) except: pass def last_disk_num(): parser = ConfigParser() num_list = [] for conf_file in glob.glob('%s/*.conf' %storage_dir): parser.read(conf_file) try: disk_num = parser.get('storage', 'disk_num') except: print("\nSkipping " + conf_file + "is missing disk_num.") continue num_list.append(int(disk_num)) num_list.sort() try: return num_list[-1] except: # conf file or disk_num is missing so fallback to /data/storage/disk# links for disk_name in glob.glob('/data/storage/disk*'): disk_num = disk_name.strip('/data/storage/disk') num_list.append(int(disk_num)) num_list.sort() try: return num_list[-1] except: print("Couldn't find last disk number.") sys.exit(1) #-------------------------------------------- def main(scan_only, destruction, no_mount, install_call, dir_sg): global bus bus = dbus.SystemBus() system_drive_list = scan_system() known_drive_list=[] known_drive_list = read_known_list() process_list=[] no_process_list=[] print("-" * 60) print(" Scan for Disks") for i in system_drive_list: #print i.mount_path #print i.is_mounted #print i.in_use #print i.model #print i.block_path #print "--" if search_for_match(i,known_drive_list) or i.in_use : if search_for_match(i,known_drive_list) : dstatus = " Ignoring - Disk has been previously skipped:" if i.in_use : dstatus = " Ignoring - Disk is mounted:" if search_for_match(i,known_drive_list) and i.in_use : dstatus = " Ignoring - Disk has been previously skipped and is mounted:" print("\n") print(" --------------------------------------------------------") print(dstatus) print(" model: %s" %i.model) print(" location: %s" %i.block_path) print(" size: %s" %i.device_size) continue else: if not scan_only: print("\n") print(" --------------------------------------------------------") print(" Found New Disk:") print(" model: %s" %i.model) print(" location: %s" %i.block_path) print(" size: %s " %i.device_size) if prompt_to_add(i,destruction) : print("\n %s will be added to your system!" %i.model) process_list.append(i) else: no_process_list.append(i) else: process_list.append(i) print("\n") print(" Scan Finished") print("-" * 60) if scan_only: if len(process_list) > 0: print(" Unknown or Unmounted Disks:") f = open('/tmp/scan_report', 'w') for i in process_list: f.write("disk: %s, location: %s, size: %s\n" %(i.model,i.block_path,i.device_size)) print("\n") print(" ---------------------------------------------------------") print(" Found New Disk:") print(" model: %s" %i.model) print(" location: %s" %i.block_path) print(" size: %s " %i.device_size) f.close() sys.exit(0) for i in no_process_list: system_drive_list.append(i) if len(process_list) > 0: DB = MythDB() host=gethostname() for y in process_list: system_drive_list.remove(y) write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list) else: print("\nThere are no disks to add to your system.\n\nFor more options: add_storage.py --help\n") write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list) if len(process_list) > 0: print("\n Will add %s disk(s) to your system." %len(process_list)) dir_sg = prompt_sg(dir_sg) if prompt_to_continue(process_list) == True: write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list) disk_num = last_disk_num() for i in process_list: print(" Disk: %s" %(i.get_name())) disk_num = disk_num + 1 i.lookup_format() if destruction == True: i.partition_disk() i.format_disk() i.add_fstab() i.mount_disk(no_mount) if dir_sg == True: i.mkdirs(FS_LIST) i.set_disk_num(disk_num) i.set_dir_sg(dir_sg) i.write_config() system_drive_list.append(i) write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list) i.symlink_disk() if dir_sg == True: i.add_sg(DB,host,SG_MAP) print("-----") def reconstruct_storagegroups(): print("\nRecreating storage groups from contents of /etc/storage.d/\n") DB = MythDB() host=gethostname() for conf_file in glob.glob('%s/*.conf' %storage_dir): parser = ConfigParser() parser.read(conf_file) try: mount_point = parser.get('storage', 'mountpoint') except: print("\nSkipping: " + conf_file + " is missing mountpoint") continue mmount = parser.getboolean('storage', 'mmount') try: removed = parser.getboolean('storage', 'removed') except: removed = False if removed: print("Skipping: " + mount_point + " - removed") continue if not os.path.ismount(mount_point): print("Skipping: " + mount_point + " - not mounted") continue try: dir_sg = parser.getboolean('storage', 'storage_groups') except configparser.NoOptionError as err: print("SG not found in conf, get setting from DB") dir_sg = False # Get storage group directories from DB recs = DB.getStorageGroup(groupname="Default") for record in recs: if record.dirname.startswith(mount_point): dir_sg = True # Write SG usage to conf parser.set('storage','storage_groups',str(dir_sg)) with open(conf_file, 'wb') as conf_file: parser.write(conf_file) if dir_sg is True: print("SGs Enabled for: " + mount_point) print(" Creating directory structure:") print(" %s" %mount_point) for y in FS_LIST: new_dir="%s/%s" %(mount_point,y) try: os.stat(new_dir) print(" %s - exists" %y) except: os.makedirs(new_dir) cmd="chown -R mythtv:mythtv /%s" %new_dir runcmd(cmd) cmd="chmod -R 775 /%s" %new_dir runcmd(cmd) print(" %s - created" %y) print(" Adding storage groups to DB") if mmount is True: sgweight=99 else: sgweight=0 for key in SG_MAP.keys(): gn=key hn=host dn="%s/%s" %(mount_point,SG_MAP[key]) with DB as c: #delete old dir without trailing slash c.execute("""delete from storagegroup where groupname = %s and hostname = %s and dirname = %s""", (gn,hn,dn.rstrip('/'))) try: c.execute("""insert into storagegroup (groupname,hostname,dirname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(gn,hn,dn)) print(" Added: %s to storagegroup %s" %(dn,gn)) except: print(" Skipping: %s exists" %dn) if sgweight > 0: try: sgw="SGweightPerDir:%s:%s" %(hn,dn) #delete old dir without trailing slash c.execute("""delete from settings where value = %s and data = %s and hostname = %s""", (sgw.rstrip('/'),sgweight,hn)) if DB.settings[hn][sgw] == '99': print(" Skipping: storage group weight DB entry exists") else: c.execute("""insert into settings (value,data,hostname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(sgw,sgweight,hn)) print(" Adding storage group weight of %s for %s\n" %(sgweight,gn)) except: print(" *Error setting storage group weight %s for %s\n" %(sgweight,gn)) else: print("SGs Disabled for: " + mount_point) return class reconstruct_path: def __init__(self,conf_file): self.conf_file = conf_file parser = ConfigParser() parser.read(self.conf_file) self.config = configparser.RawConfigParser() self.uuid = parser.get('storage', 'uuid') self.mount_point = parser.get('storage', 'mountpoint') self.shareable = parser.get('storage', 'shareable') self.disk_num = parser.get('storage', 'disk_num') self.top_mount_dir = os.path.dirname(self.mount_point) try: self.fstype = parser.get('storage', 'fstype') except: self.fstype = self.get_fstype() try: self.removed = parser.get('storage', 'removed') except: self.removed = False def get_fstype(self): cmd = "fsck -N UUID=%s" %self.uuid tmpfstype = runcmd(cmd) tmpfstype = tmpfstype[1].split('/sbin/fsck.') tmpfstype = tmpfstype[1].split(' ') self.fstype = tmpfstype[0] self.write_config() return self.fstype def get_conf(self): return self.conf_file def get_uuid(self): return self.uuid def get_mount_point(self): return self.mount_point def get_shareable(self): return self.shareable def get_is_myth_mount(self): return self.myth_mount def get_disk_num(self): return self.disk_num def get_removed(self): return self.removed def create_mount_point(self): try: os.stat(self.mount_point) except: os.makedirs(self.mount_point) def find_options_type(self,fstab): mp=['/myth', '/data/storage/disk0'] for i in fstab: split_line=i.split() try: if split_line[1] in mp: options = split_line[3] break else: options = "defaults" mount_point = i except: options = "defaults" return options,i def read_fstab(self): f = open('/etc/fstab', 'r') fstab=f.readlines() f.close() return fstab def check_in_fstab(self,fstab,check_path): for line in fstab: if line.find(check_path) > -1: return True return False def append_fstab(self,line): new_fstab_line='\t'.join(line) new_fstab_line="%s\n" %new_fstab_line f = open('/etc/fstab', 'a') f.write(new_fstab_line) f.close() def symlink_disk(self): print(" Creating symlink for disk%s" %self.disk_num) disk_ln="%s/disk%s" %(self.top_mount_dir,self.disk_num) cmd = "ln -s %s %s" %(self.mount_point,disk_ln) runcmd(cmd) def add_fstab(self): #new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', 'auto', 'defaults', '0', '1'] new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', self.fstype, 'defaults', '0', '1'] fstab=self.read_fstab() if self.check_in_fstab(fstab,self.uuid) == True: print(" Found UUID of disk in fstab, will not add it") else: print(" Adding storage to fstab") #check for old mount point and comment out f = open('/etc/fstab', 'w') for line in fstab: if not line.startswith("#"): if line.find(self.mount_point) > -1: print(" Found old mount %s in fstab, commenting out" %self.mount_point) line = "#"+line f.write(line) f.close() #construct new line #new_options = self.find_options_type(fstab)[0] new_options = "nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=1" new_fstab_list[0]="UUID=%s" %self.uuid new_fstab_list[1]=self.mount_point new_fstab_list[3]=new_options if self.fstype == "xfs": new_fstab_list[5]="0" self.append_fstab(new_fstab_list) def mount_disk(self,no_mount=False): try: os.stat(self.mount_point) except: os.makedirs(self.mount_point) if no_mount == False : if os.path.ismount(self.mount_point): print(" Disk already mounted, will not mount:\n %s" %self.mount_point) pass else: print(" Mounting %s" %self.mount_point) cmd = "mount %s" %self.mount_point runcmd(cmd) return def write_config(self): print(" Writing /etc/storage.d conf file") self.config.add_section('storage') self.config.set('storage','uuid',self.uuid) self.config.set('storage','mountpoint',self.mount_point) self.config.set('storage','fstype',self.fstype) self.config.set('storage','shareable','True') self.config.set('storage','mmount',self.myth_mount) self.config.set('storage','storage_groups',self.dir_sg) self.config.set('storage','disk_num',self.disk_num) print(" %s" %self.conf_file) with open(self.conf_file, 'w') as self.conf_file: self.config.write(self.conf_file) return def reconstruct_mounts(no_mount): print("\nRecreating disks from contents of /etc/storage.d/") for conf_file in glob.glob('%s/*.conf' %storage_dir): print("\n") cf = reconstruct_path(conf_file) # skip if the disk was removed if cf.get_removed(): continue #print cf.get_conf() #print cf.get_uuid() print(" Recreating %s" %cf.get_mount_point()) #print cf.get_shareable() #print cf.get_is_myth_mount() #print cf.get_disk_num() cf.create_mount_point() cf.add_fstab() cf.symlink_disk() cf.mount_disk(no_mount) print("\n\nDone recreating disks.\n") pass def usage(): help=''' add_storage.py finds and sets up disks for MythTV usage. It's a powerful tool that could destroy data if not used correctly, please be careful. Scanned disks are ignored if they are mounted or have been previously skipped by add_storage.py. The file system type for disks added by add_storage.py is automatically set to the type selected for the data partition at install. Normal operations without options include (in this order): Partition the disk Format the disk Add disk to /etc/fstab Mount the disk Create the directories (if user enables MythTV storage groups) Write out the disk config file to /etc/storage.d/ Create disk# symlink at /data/storage/ Create MythTV storage group paths in MythTV database (if user enables MythTV storage groups) Options: --add_sg: Create the MythTV storage group directories and database entries for database backups, TV recordings, photos, music, streaming, videos and artwork. -h, --help: Show this help message. --new_init: Erase the list of known disks and rescan. --no_destruction: Will not partition or format the disk. All other normal operations will be performed. Can be used to import disks from other systems however, add_storage.py only works with the first partition on a disk and ignores all others. --no_mount: Do not mount the disk. All other normal operations will be performed. --reconstruct: Recreate mount point, fstab entry, /data/storage/disk# symlink, and mount the disk. --no_mount is the only option that works with --reconstruct. --reconstruct_sg: Recreate the MythTV storage group directories and database entries if they don't exist. No other options work with --reconstruct_sg. --report: Scan disks and print new found disks. ''' print(help) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": scan_only = False myth_mount = False no_mount = False destruction = True install_call = False dir_sg = False reconstruct = False reconstruct_sg = False try: os.remove("/tmp/scan_report") except: pass if not os.geteuid()==0: sys.exit("\nRoot access is required to run this program.\n") logging.basicConfig(filename='/var/log/add_storage.log', filemode='w', format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if "--help" in sys.argv or "-h" in sys.argv: usage() if "--install_call" in sys.argv: install_call = True if "--no_mount" in sys.argv : no_mount = True if "--no_destruction" in sys.argv: destruction = False if "--new_init" in sys.argv : remove_pickle() if "--report" in sys.argv : scan_only = True if "--add_sg" in sys.argv: dir_sg = True #there is no distinction between FE and BE sg anymore #but leaving these for backwards compatibility if "--add_fe_sg" in sys.argv: dir_sg = True if "--add_be_sg" in sys.argv: dir_sg = True if "--reconstruct" in sys.argv: reconstruct = True if "--reconstruct_sg" in sys.argv: reconstruct_sg = True if reconstruct == True: reconstruct_mounts(no_mount) elif reconstruct_sg == True: reconstruct_storagegroups() else: main(scan_only, destruction, no_mount, install_call, dir_sg)