#!/bin/bash # # Bash script by Gene Alexander (http://www.eracc.com/contact) # of ERA Computers & Consulting (www.eracc.com, blog.eracc.com, shopping.eracc.com) # Written using vim, the BEST plain text file editor in all of Creation. # # Teach yourself bash scripting: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/index.html # # Purpose: To check fragmentation on XFS with xfs_db and run xfs_fsr on XFS mount points that # are above a specific fragmentation threshold. # # What is xfs_db? Use 'man xfs_db' to find out. # What is xfs_fsr? Use 'man xfs_fsr' to find out. # # Any busy files, such as open logs on /var/log, will be skipped. To defragment logs one should # wrap this script with another script to stop and restart logging. Or, even better, write # one's own script just for defragmentation of the logs. # # Warranty: NONE. Use at your own discretion and be aware that data loss is on your head if # you choose to use this script. # # License: GPL 2.0 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html # # Suggested Usage: crontab file for root # 0 0 * * * /root/bin/chkxfsfrag # Run at midnight # # Original Release: 2011 December 15 (Merry Christmas!) # DO NOT ALTER HEADER FROM THIS LINE UP. # e='/usr/bin/echo -e' # Use the echo command, not built-in. xfsfsr=/usr/bin/xfs_fsr # Set variable with the path to xfs_fsr. xfsdb=/usr/bin/xfs_db # Set variable with the path to xfs_db. ionice=/usr/bin/ionice # Set variable with the path to ionice. idle='/usr/bin/idle.py -s' # Set variable with path to idle.py. pctmax=12 # Set maxiumum frag percent needed for defrag. # This is zero here for testing purposes only # a higher number should be used in production. array=`df -T|grep xfs|cut -f 1 --delim=" "` # Array of all XFS file systems. for i in ${array[@]}; do #check for idle flag if [[ $1 == "--idle" ]] then while ! $idle do echo "System is busy. Waiting 10 minutes before trying again." sleep 600 done fi #check that the device is SATA and skip defrag on SSDs device=`echo ${i} | cut -f 3 --delim="/" | sed 's/[0-9]//g'` isSATA=`cat /sys/block/${device}/queue/rotational` if [[ $isSATA -eq 1 ]] then percentage=`$xfsdb -c frag -r ${i}|grep factor|cut -f 7 --delim=" "` percent2=`$e $percentage|cut -f 1 --delim=.` if [ "$percent2" -gt "$pctmax" ] then $e "${i} is $percentage fragmented. Running defragment on ${i}." # Only uncomment one of the following two lines. #$xfsfsr -v ${i} # Uncomment for verbose defrag. $ionice -c3 $xfsfsr ${i} # Uncomment for quiet defrag. else $e "${i} is $percent2% fragmented and is below the fragmentation threshold of $pctmax%. Skipping." fi else echo "${i} is an SSD. Skipping." fi done exit 0