#!/usr/bin/env python # This script will configure the myth db to use the misc_status_info scripts from socket import gethostname from MythTV import MythDB mythdb = MythDB() localhostname = gethostname() import sys # Function to set db setting. This setting is set in mythtv-setup. def dbSettingChange(): if mythdb.settings[localhostname].MiscStatusScript == u'': mythdb.settings[localhostname].MiscStatusScript = u'/usr/bin/misc_status_info.sh' print 'The MythTV database setting MiscStatusScript was updated to /usr/bin/misc_status_info.sh.' else: print 'The MythTV database setting MiscStatusScript is already set and will not be updated.' return #taken from systemconfig.py #this is how you populate the dict systemconfig = {} file_name = "/etc/systemconfig" try: config_file = open(file_name) except: print file_name + " could not be opened" sys.exit(1) for line in config_file: line = line.strip() if line and line[0] is not "#" and line[-1] is not "=": var, val = line.rsplit("=", 1) val = val.strip('"') systemconfig[var.strip()] = val.strip() #this is how you reference a value from mv_hostype.py if (systemconfig.get("SystemType") == "Standalone"): dbSettingChange() elif systemconfig.get("SystemType") == "Master_backend": dbSettingChange()