<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mythuitheme SYSTEM "http://www.mythtv.org/schema/mythuitheme.dtd">
    <!-- A gallery button showing a picture, video or folder -->
    <window name="gallery">

        <textarea name="heading" from="base_heading">
            <value>Image Gallery</value>

        <shape name="help-instr-backdrop" from="base_backdrop">

        <shape name="help-instr-top-line" from="base_line">

        <shape name="help-instr-bottom-line" from="base_line">

        <shape name="arrows-backdrop" from="base_backdrop">

        <!--shows path to current image -->
        <textarea name="breadcrumbs">
            <scroll direction="horizontal" startdelay="0" returndelay="0"/>

        <!-- shows current position in grid eg '1/123' -->
        <textarea name="position" from="basetextarea">

        <!-- Mandatory: the image list 10 columns x 6 rows -->
        <buttonlist name="images0">
            <spacing>0</spacing>  <!-- (100% - 10*10%) / (10-1) or 0% -->
            <statetype name="buttonitem">
                <state name="active">
                    <shape name="buttonbackground" from="base_backdrop">
                    <shape name="buttonbackground-line" from="base_backdrop_line">
                    <!-- Shows a picture image -->
                    <imagetype name="buttonimage">
                    <!-- Shows a single folder image -->
                    <imagetype name="folderimage" from="buttonimage">
                    <!-- Shows image for default folder -->
                    <imagetype name="thumbimage0" from="buttonimage">
                    <!-- Shows a video image -->
                    <imagetype name="videoimage"  from="buttonimage">
                    <!-- Show a background image depending on node type -->
                    <statetype name="buttontype">
                        <state name="subfolder">
                            <imagetype name="background">
                        <state name="device" from="subfolder"/>
                        <state name="image">
                            <imagetype name="background">
                        <state name="video">
                            <imagetype name="background">
                    <!-- Show how many images / directories are in this directory -->
                    <textarea name="childcount">
                    <!-- Show up arrow on parent dir with ancestors -->
                    <statetype name="parenttype">
                        <state name="upfolder">
                            <imagetype name="icon">
                    <!-- Darken hidden files/ folders -->
                    <statetype name="buttonstate">
                        <state name="visible"/>
                        <state name="hidden">
                            <shape name="hidden_background_shape">
                                <fill color="#000000" alpha="128"/>
                    <!-- Shows that the image was marked/selected and
                    might be manipulated with other images -->
                    <statetype name="buttoncheck">
                        <state type="full">
                            <shape name="marked_background">
                                <fill color="#000000"/>
                            <imagetype name="marked">
                    <shape name="buttontext-backdrop" from="base_backdrop" depends="buttontext">
                    <textarea name="buttontext">

                <state name="selectedactive" from="active">
                    <shape name="buttonbackground">
                        <fill color="#101017" alpha="255" />
                    <shape name="buttonbackground-line">
                        <fill color="#000000" alpha="0" />
                        <line color="#0072bc" alpha="45" width="4" />
                    <shape name="buttonbackground-top-highlight-line">
                        <fill style="gradient">
                            <gradient direction="horizontal" alpha="0">
                                <stop position="0" color="#0072bc" />
                                <stop position="50" color="#0072bc" alpha="180" />
                                <stop position="100" color="#0072bc" />
                    <shape name="buttonbackground-bottom-highlight-line" from="buttonbackground-top-highlight-line">
                    <shape name="buttonbackground-left-highlight-line">
                        <fill style="gradient">
                            <gradient alpha="0" direction="vertical">
                                <stop position="0" color="#0072bc" />
                                <stop position="50" color="#0072bc" alpha="220" />
                                <stop position="100" color="#0072bc" />
                    <shape name="buttonbackground-right-highlight-line" from="buttonbackground-left-highlight-line">

                    <statetype name="buttontype" depends="!parenttype">
                        <state name="subfolder">
                            <imagetype name="background">

                    <!-- Show up arrow on parent dir with ancestors -->
                    <statetype name="parenttype">
                        <state name="upfolder">
                            <imagetype name="icon">
                    <!-- Show how many images / directories are in this directory -->
                    <textarea name="childcount">
                    <textarea name="buttontext">

                <state name="inactive" from="active"/>

                <state name="selectedinactive" from="active"/>

            <statetype name="upscrollarrow">
                <state type="off">
                    <imagetype name="upoff">
                <state type="full">
                    <imagetype name="upon">
            <statetype name="downscrollarrow">
                <state type="off">
                    <imagetype name="dnoff">
                <state type="full">
                    <imagetype name="dnon">


        <!-- the image list 8 columns x 4 rows -->
        <buttonlist name="images1" from="images0">
            <spacing>7</spacing>  <!-- (100% - 8*12%) / (8-1) or 0.57% -->
            <statetype name="buttonitem">
                <state name="active">
                <state name="selectedactive">

        <!-- the image list 6 columns x 3 rows -->
        <buttonlist name="images2" from="images0">
            <spacing>10</spacing>  <!-- (100% - 6*16%) / (6-1) or 0.8% -->
            <statetype name="buttonitem">
                <state name="active">
                <state name="selectedactive">

        <!-- the image list 4 columns x 2 rows -->
        <buttonlist name="images3" from="images0">
            <spacing>0</spacing>  <!-- (100% - 4*25%) / (4-1) or 0% -->
            <statetype name="buttonitem">
                <state name="active">
                <state name="selectedactive">

        <!-- shows a message when no images are available
             in the current directory -->
        <textarea name="noimages" from="basetextarea">

        <!-- Mandatory: Shows file info overlay -->
        <buttonlist name="infolist" from="base_list">
            <statetype name="buttonitem">
                <state name="active">
                    <group name="select_bar" from="base_select_bar_active_group">
                        <shape name="select_bar">
                            <fill color="#000000" alpha="210" />
                    <textarea name="name" from="basetextarea">
                        <scroll direction="left" />
                        <template>%NAME%: %VALUE%</template>
                <state name="selectedactive" from="active" />
                <state name="selectedinactive" from="active" />
            <statetype name="upscrollarrow">
                <state type="off">
                    <imagetype name="upoff">
                <state type="full">
                    <imagetype name="upon">
            <statetype name="downscrollarrow">
                <state type="off">
                    <imagetype name="dnoff">
                <state type="full">
                    <imagetype name="dnon">

        <!--Shows scan progress-->
        <group name="progress">

            <animation trigger="AboutToShow">
                    <alpha start="0" end="255" easingcurve="OutQuart"/>
                    <zoom start="0" end="100" easingcurve="OutQuart"/>

            <animation trigger="AboutToHide">
                    <alpha start="255" end="0" easingcurve="InQuart"/>
                    <zoom start="100" end="0" easingcurve="InQuart"/>

            <shape name="osd-status-backdrop" depends="scanprogresstext">
                <fill color="#000000" alpha="140" />

            <shape name="osd-status-backdrop-line" depends="scanprogresstext">
                <fill color="#000000" alpha="0" />
                <line color="#ffffff" alpha="45" width="2" />

            <shape name="top-line" depends="scanprogresstext">
                <fill style="gradient">
                    <gradient direction="horizontal" alpha="0">
                        <stop position="0" color="#ffffff" />
                        <stop position="50" color="#ffffff" alpha="120" />
                        <stop position="100" color="#ffffff" />

            <shape name="bottom-line" from="top-line" depends="scanprogresstext">

            <shape name="left-line" depends="scanprogresstext">
                <fill style="gradient">
                    <gradient direction="vertical" alpha="0">
                        <stop position="0" color="#ffffff" />
                        <stop position="50" color="#ffffff" alpha="180" />
                        <stop position="100" color="#ffffff" />

            <shape name="right-line" from="left-line" depends="scanprogresstext">

            <!-- Progress bar-->
            <progressbar name="scanprogressbar">
                <imagetype name="background">
                <imagetype name="progressimage">

            <!--Shows numerical scan progress-->
            <textarea name="scanprogresstext" from="basetextarea">

        <!-- shows state of type filter -->
        <textarea name="typefilter" from="basetextarea">
        <textarea name="typefilterAll" from="basetextarea" depends="!typefilter">
        <textarea name="typefilterlabel" from="basetextarea">

        <!-- shows state of hidden filter -->
        <textarea name="hidefilter" from="basetextarea">

    <!-- Gallery Slideshow window which shows the a single image only or a slideshow. -->
    <window name="slideshow">

        <!-- Extra small text for Gallery images -->
        <fontdef name="gallerytext" from="basesmall">

        <!-- the background behind the images -->
        <shape name="background_shape">
            <fill color="#000000" alpha="255"/>

        <!-- an image  -->
        <imagetype name="image">

        <!-- Represents "Show Captions" state for use as a dependancy by other widgets
         Set = Hide; empty = Show  -->
        <textarea name="hidecaptions" from="basetextarea">

        <!-- End/Loading/Failed to load status -->
        <textarea name="status" from="basetextarea" depends="!hidecaptions">

        <!-- Slide count -->
        <textarea name="slidecount" from="basetextarea" depends="!hidecaptions">
            <align>right, vcentre</align>

        <!-- Date/Comment -->
        <textarea name="caption" from="basetextarea" depends="!hidecaptions">
            <align>right, vcenter</align>
            <scroll direction="horizontal"/>

        <!-- Shows file info overlay -->
        <buttonlist name="infolist" from="base_list">
            <statetype name="buttonitem">
                <state name="active">
                    <group name="select_bar" from="base_select_bar_active_group">
                    <textarea name="name" from="basetextarea">
                        <template>%NAME%: %VALUE%</template>
                <state name="selectedactive">
                    <shape name="select_bar_backdrop_line" from="base_backdrop_line">
                    <group name="select_bar" from="base_select_bar_selectedactive_group">

                    <shape name="select_bar_left_line" from="base_highlight_vertical_line">
                    <shape name="select_bar_right_line" from="base_highlight_vertical_line">
                    <textarea name="name" from="basetextarea">
                        <scroll direction="up" rate="20"/>
                        <template>%NAME%: %VALUE%</template>
                <state name="selectedinactive" from="active" />
            <statetype name="upscrollarrow">
                <state type="off">
                    <imagetype name="upoff">
                <state type="full">
                    <imagetype name="upon">
            <statetype name="downscrollarrow">
                <state type="off">
                    <imagetype name="dnoff">
                <state type="full">
                    <imagetype name="dnon">

