#!/usr/bin/python import sys import cgi import os import socket import time import shutil try: import cgitb cgitb.enable() except ImportError: sys.stderr = sys.stdout def cgiprint(inline=''): sys.stdout.write(inline) sys.stdout.write('\r\n') sys.stdout.flush() contentheader = 'Content-Type: text/html' thepage = ''' %s %s ''' h1 = '


' def getform(theform, valuelist, notpresent='', nolist=False): """ This function, given a CGI form as a FieldStorage instance, extracts the data from it, based on valuelist passed in. Any non-present values are set to '' - although this can be changed. (e.g. to return None so you can test for missing keywords - where '' is a valid answer but to have the field missing isn't.) It also takes a keyword argument 'nolist'. If this is True list values only return their first value. """ data = {} for field in valuelist: if not theform.has_key(field): # if the field is not present (or was empty) data[field] = notpresent else: # the field is present data[field] = theform.getlist(field) # print type(theform[field]) return data def getall(theform, nolist=False): """ Passed a form (cgi.FieldStorage instance) return *all* the values. This doesn't take into account multipart form data (file uploads). It also takes a keyword argument 'nolist'. If this is True list values only return their first value. """ data = {} for field in theform.keys(): # we can't just iterate over it, but must use the keys() method if type(theform[field]) == type([]): if not nolist: data[field] = theform.getlist(field) else: data[field] = theform.getfirst(field) else: data[field] = theform[field].value return data def isblank(indict): """ Passed an indict of values it checks if any of the values are set. Returns True if the indict is empty, else returns False. I use it on the a form processed with getform to tell if my CGI has been activated without any form values. """ for key in indict.keys(): if indict[key]: return False return True def update_mvp_list(maclist): outfile = open("/etc/dnsmasq.mvpmc.conf","w") mvpline="dhcp-boot=net:mvp,dongle.bin" mvpmacline='dhcp-host=net:mvp,%s' results="The following media mvp devices have been added:" results+='
' havemvp = "false" #print maclist for i in range(len(maclist)): if maclist[i] != '': # print mvpmacline % maclist[i] outfile.write(mvpmacline % maclist[i] + '\n' ) havemvp="true" results+=maclist[i] results+='
' if havemvp == "true": # print mvpline outfile.write(mvpline + '\n' ) outfile.flush outfile.close #time.sleep(5) else: outfile.close return results mainpage = ''' Receiving a Form %s''' error = '''

Removed all media mvp devices

''' result = '''


''' possible_parameters = ['activemvp', 'othermac','hiddenparam'] if __name__ == '__main__': cgiprint(contentheader) # content header cgiprint() # finish headers with blank line theform = cgi.FieldStorage() #print theform formdict = getform(theform, possible_parameters) #print possible_parameters #print formdict oldurl = '/mvpmc.shtml' if isblank(formdict): body = error all_active=[] else: all_active=[] activemac_checkbox = formdict['activemvp'] for i in range(len(activemac_checkbox)): active_string=activemac_checkbox[i] active_string=active_string.strip() all_active.append(active_string) body = result % ("MVP mac address") print mainpage % body # mylogfile=update_mvp_list(all_active) box='''
''' endbox='''
''' javascript=''' ''' if all_active != []: mylogfile=update_mvp_list(all_active) command="sudo /sbin/sv stop dnsmasq" os.system(command) command="sudo /sbin/sv start dnsmasq" os.system(command) print box print mylogfile print endbox print ' Back ' #print oldurl print javascript